codeigniter - php array to google bar chart -

ok guys need creating google bar chart php array. array

 array (size=2)   0 =>      object(stdclass)[42]       public 'nombre' => string 'anillo princess' (length=15)       public 'total' => string '5' (length=1)   1 =>      object(stdclass)[43]       public 'nombre' => string 'shake sabor vainilla' (length=20)       public 'total' => string '1' (length=1) 

and code generating chart

 <script type="text/javascript">       google.load("visualization", "1.1", {packages:["bar"]});       google.setonloadcallback(drawstuff);        function drawstuff() {         var data = new google.visualization.arraytodatatable([           ['producto', 'cantidad'],           ["anillo princess", 4],           ["shake sabor vainilla", 1],           ["colageno hidrolisado", 12],           ["proteina lifeone", 10],           ['otros', 3]         ]);          var options = {           title: 'productos mas vendidos',           width: 900,           legend: { position: 'none' },           chart: { subtitle: 'cantidad vendidas' },           axes: {             x: {               0: { side: 'top', label: 'productos'} // top x-axis.             }           },           bar: { groupwidth: "90%" }         };          var chart = new'top_x_div'));         // convert classic options material options.         chart.draw(data,;       };     </script> 

how pass variable script generate chart values in array.

thans guys!


heres attempt:

<?     //original array     $arr = [         ['nombre' => 'anillo princess', 'total' => '5'],         ['nombre' => 'shake sabor vainilla', 'total' => '1']     ];      //loop , build output array     $output = [["producto", "cantidad"]];     foreach($arr $row) {         $output[] = [$row['nombre'], $row['total']];     }      //echo result     echo json_encode($output); ?> 

this if want echo array straigth in code so:

var data = new google.visualization.arraytodatatable(<?=json_encode($output)?>); 

but load data ajax request
