microcontroller - PIC I2C communication with external EEPROM -

i new pic. know there lot of posts in forum on i2c , have tried methods given still doesn't solve problem. using pic16f1516 , external eeprom cat24c04tdi store data. have used 4k7 ohm resistors pull , code :

void i2cwrite(void);  void waitmssp(void); void i2cread(void); void i2c_init(void); //void _delay_ms(unsigned int); void main() {  _delay_ms(100); // give delay power i2c_init(); // initialize i2c _delay_ms(20);  i2cwrite(); // sends data i2c eeprom _delay_ms(50); while(1) { i2cread(); // read data?s txreg='\n'; while(txif==0);  txreg='\r';  _delay_ms(500); } }  void i2cwrite() { sspcon2bits.sen=1; waitmssp(); // wait operation finished sspbuf=0xa0;//send slave address write command waitmssp(); sspbuf=0x00; // send starting address write waitmssp();  sspbuf=0x34; // rough data written waitmssp(); } pen=1; // send stop bit waitmssp();  } void i2cread() { sen=1; //send start bit waitmssp(); //wait operation finished sspbuf=0xa0;//send slave address write command waitmssp();  sspbuf=0x00; // send starting address write waitmssp();  rsen=1; // send re-start bit waitmssp(); sspbuf=0xa1; // slave address read command waitmssp(); rcen=1; // enable receive waitmssp();  ackdt=1; // acknowledge data 1: nack, 0: ack acken=1; // enable ack send pen=1; // stop condition waitmssp(); putch(sspbuf); // send received data pc _delay_ms(30);  } pen=1; waitmssp(); } void waitmssp() { while(!sspif); // while sspif=0 stay here else exit loop sspif=0; // operation completed clear flag } void i2c_init() { triscbits.trisc3=1; // set i2c lines setting input triscbits.trisc4=1; sspcon1 = 0b00101000;  // sspadd=(fosc / (4 * i2c_freq)) - 1; //clock 100khz sspadd = 0x18 ; //clock 100khz sspstat=80; // slew rate control disabled  pir1bits.sspif = 0; // clear mssp interrupt request flag pie1bits.sspie = 1; // enable mssp interrupt enable bit  } 

when connect oscilloscope, nothing happens @ sda , scl ports after sending sen=1. please me problem. stuck since long time.

sspifis not register: data sheet shows bit 3 in register pir1 instead of line

while(!sspif); // while sspif=0 stay here else exit loop sspif = 0;     // operation completed clear flag 

this means should test , clear

while ((pir1 & 0x08) == 0); pir1 = 0; 

the assembler instruction clear status is

bcf pir1,sspif ;i2c done, clear flag 

and more detail of code in forum please read data sheet more information.
