i writing project template adding feature. , want have simple variables in template thats why want define variables or thing instead of using :
<?php echo $variable; ?>
i want have thing :
how can ? how can create simple template engine ? thanks.
you can using existing template engines or following code set.
create template file shown below ( tweak html , add more template variables or ). save file , call mytemplate.txt
<html> <head> <title>{title}</title> </head> <body> <h1>{header}</h1> {text} </body> </html>
create php file , , call home.php ( or name depending on use case ) . add following code.
<?php $tags['title']="replaces title tag"; $tags['header']="replaces header tag"; $tags['text']="replaces text tag"; //lets open template file , replace tags print preg_replace("/\{([^\{]{1,100}?)\}/e","$tags[$1]",file_get_contents("mytemplate.txt")); ?>
make sure mytemplate.txt, , home.php in same directory on server.
note :- gives basic template engine, using preg_replace function of php.
here references
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