javascript - ionic leaflet angularjs directive - switching tileLayer in side menu thru Service -

i trying test develop ionic app leaflet-angularjs-directive. there's not many demos me try out.

i using: ionic-leafletjs-map-demo calendee (github)

and trying reproduce locationsservice service: historicalmapservice. whenever have added historicalmapservice, webpage view "ionic serve" blank. when commented it, webpage working didn't use historicalmapservice.

here's code in mapcontroller.js (js/controller/mapcontroller.js)

angular.module('starter').controller('mapcontroller',   [ '$scope',     '$cordovageolocation',     '$stateparams',     '$ionicmodal',     '$ionicpopup',     'locationsservice',     /*'historicalmapservice',*/     'instructionsservice',     function(       $scope,       $cordovageolocation,       $stateparams,       $ionicmodal,       $ionicpopup,       locationsservice,       /*historicalmapservice,*/       instructionsservice       ) {    /**    * once state loaded, put map on scope.    */   $scope.$on("$statechangesuccess", function() {      $scope.locations = locationsservice.savedlocations;     $scope.newlocation;      if(!instructionsservice.instructions.newlocations.seen) {        var instructionspopup = $ionicpopup.alert({         title: 'add locations',         template: instructionsservice.instructions.newlocations.text       });       instructionspopup.then(function(res) {         instructionsservice.instructions.newlocations.seen = true;         });      }      $ = {       defaults: {         tilelayer: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17'       },       center: {         lat: 1.355,         lng: 103.840,          zoom: 14,         minzoom: 12,         maxzoom: 18,         zoomcontrolposition: 'topleft'       },       markers : {},       events: {         map: {           enable: ['context'],           logic: 'emit'         }       }     };      //$scope.goto(0);     $scope.locate();    });    var location = function() {     if ( !(this instanceof location) ) return new location();  = "";     this.lng  = ""; = "";   };    $ionicmodal.fromtemplateurl('templates/addlocation.html', {     scope: $scope,     animation: 'slide-in-up'   }).then(function(modal) {       $scope.modal = modal;     });    /**    * detect user long-pressing on map add new location    */   $scope.$on('leafletdirectivemap.contextmenu', function(event, locationevent){     $scope.newlocation = new location();     $ =;     $scope.newlocation.lng = locationevent.leafletevent.latlng.lng;     $;   });    $scope.savelocation = function() {     locationsservice.savedlocations.push($scope.newlocation);     $scope.modal.hide();     $scope.goto(locationsservice.savedlocations.length - 1);   };    /**    * center map on specific saved location    * @param locationkey    */   $scope.goto = function(locationkey) {      var location = locationsservice.savedlocations[locationkey];      $  = {       lat :,       lng : location.lng,       zoom : 12     };      $[locationkey] = {,       lng:location.lng,       message:,       focus: true,       draggable: false     };    };    $scope.gotomapyear = function(histmap) {      var histmap = historicalmapservice.locatemapyear[histmap];      console.log("map year: " +;     console.log("map layer: " + histmap.tilelayer);      $ = {        defaults: {         tilelayer: histmap.tilelayer         },       center: {         lat: 1.355,         lng: 103.840,          zoom: 14,         minzoom: 12,         maxzoom: 18,         zoomcontrolposition: 'topleft'       },       markers : {},       events: {         map: {           enable: ['context'],           logic: 'emit'         }       }     };    };    /**    * center map on user's current position    */   $scope.locate = function(){      $cordovageolocation       .getcurrentposition()       .then(function (position) {         $  = position.coords.latitude;         $ = position.coords.longitude;         $ = 15;          $ = {           lat:position.coords.latitude,           lng:position.coords.longitude,           message: "you here",           focus: true,           draggable: false         };        }, function(err) {         // error         console.log("location error!");         console.log(err);       });    };  }]); 

and historicalmapservice (js/services/historicalmapservice.js) in here:

and menu.html (templates/menu.html) follows:

<ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive nav-title-slide-ios7">   <ion-nav-back-button class="button-clear"><i class="icon ion-ios7-arrow-back"></i></ion-nav-back-button>  </ion-nav-bar>  <ion-nav-view name="menucontent" animation="slide-left-right"></ion-nav-view> 

<header class="bar bar-header bar-stable">   <h1 class="title">map year</h1> </header>  <ion-content class="has-header">    <ion-list>      <!--<ion-item nav-clear menu-close ng-click="goto(locationkey)" ng-repeat="(locationkey,location) in locations track">       {{}}     </ion-item>-->      <ion-item nav-clear menu-close ng-click="gotomapyear(histmap)" ng-repeat="(histmap,mapyear) in mapyears track">       {{}}     </ion-item>    </ion-list>  </ion-content> 

how can display layer's name , when user clicked on it, switch map in tms tilelayer?

thanks in advance help.

solved: updated

mapcontroller.js + using shared attributes

/*angular.module('starter').controller('mapcontroller', ['$scope', 'leafletdata',     function($scope, leafletdata) {             leafletdata.getmap().then(function(map) {                 l.geoip.centermaponposition(map, 15);             });     } ]); */    angular.module('starter').controller('mapcontroller',   [ '$scope',     '$cordovageolocation',     '$stateparams',     '$ionicmodal',     '$ionicpopup',     '$http',     'locationsservice',     'instructionsservice',     function(       $scope,       $cordovageolocation,       $stateparams,       $ionicmodal,       $ionicpopup,       $http,       locationsservice,       instructionsservice       ) {        /**        * once state loaded, put map on scope.        */       $scope.$on("$statechangesuccess", function() {          $scope.locations = locationsservice.savedlocations;         $scope.newlocation;          if(!instructionsservice.instructions.newlocations.seen) {            var instructionspopup = $ionicpopup.alert({             title: 'add locations',             template: instructionsservice.instructions.newlocations.text           });           instructionspopup.then(function(res) {             instructionsservice.instructions.newlocations.seen = true;             });          }        $scope.basemaplayers = {         basemap: {           name: 'basemap',           url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',           type: 'xyz'         },         map1955: {           name: '1955',           url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',           type: 'xyz'         },         map1969: {           name: '1969',           url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',           type: 'xyz'         },         map1975: {           name: '1975',           url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',           type: 'xyz'         },         map1988: {           name: '1988',           url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',           type: 'xyz'         },         map1998: {           name: '1998',           url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',           type: 'xyz'         },         map2007: {           name: '2007',           url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',           type: 'xyz'         }       }              $ = {           defaults: {             //tilelayer: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',             //tilelayer: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'               layers: {                 baselayers: {               basemap: $scope.basemaplayers.basemap,                             map2007: $scope.basemaplayers.map2007,               map1998: $scope.basemaplayers.map1998,               map1988: $scope.basemaplayers.map1988,               map1975: $scope.basemaplayers.map1975,               map1969: $scope.basemaplayers.map1969,               map1955: $scope.basemaplayers.map1955               }             }                       },            center: {             lat: 1.355,             lng: 103.840,              zoom: 14,             minzoom: 12,             maxzoom: 18,             zoomcontrolposition: 'topleft'                 },           markers : {},           events: {             map: {               enable: ['context'],               logic: 'emit'             }           }         };          //$scope.goto(0);         $scope.locate();          //$scope.map2 = $;          $scope.map2 = {           defaults: {             //tilelayer: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyj1ijoic2xhiiwiysi6ik15de1ucluifq.zmsbzxwozycsw3m71abszq#17',             //tilelayer: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'               layers: {                 baselayers: {               map1955: $scope.basemaplayers.map1955,               map1969: $scope.basemaplayers.map1969,               map1975: $scope.basemaplayers.map1975,               map1988: $scope.basemaplayers.map1988,               map1998: $scope.basemaplayers.map1998,               map2007: $scope.basemaplayers.map2007,               basemap: $scope.basemaplayers.basemap               }             }                       },            center: {             lat: 1.355,             lng: 103.840,              zoom: 14,             minzoom: 12,             maxzoom: 18,             zoomcontrolposition: 'topleft'                 },           markers : {},           events: {             map: {               enable: ['context'],               logic: 'emit'             }           }         };          //$scope.goto(0);         $scope.locate();        });        var location = function() {         if ( !(this instanceof location) ) return new location();  = "";         this.lng  = ""; = "";       };        $ionicmodal.fromtemplateurl('templates/addlocation.html', {         scope: $scope,         animation: 'slide-in-up'       }).then(function(modal) {           $scope.modal = modal;         });        /**        * detect user long-pressing on map add new location        */       $scope.$on('leafletdirectivemap.contextmenu', function(event, locationevent){         $scope.newlocation = new location();         $ =;         $scope.newlocation.lng = locationevent.leafletevent.latlng.lng;         $;       });        $scope.savelocation = function() {         locationsservice.savedlocations.push($scope.newlocation);         $scope.modal.hide();         $scope.goto(locationsservice.savedlocations.length - 1);       };        /**        * center map on specific saved location        * @param locationkey        */       $scope.goto = function(locationkey) {          var location = locationsservice.savedlocations[locationkey];          $  = {           lat :,           lng : location.lng,           zoom : 14         };          $[locationkey] = { ,           lng:location.lng,           message:,           focus: true,           draggable: false         };        };        $scope.gotomapyear = function(histmap) {          var mapyear = historicalmapservice.locatemapyear[histmap];        };        /**        * center map on user's current position        */       $scope.locate = function(){          $cordovageolocation           .getcurrentposition()           .then(function (position) {             $  = position.coords.latitude;             $ = position.coords.longitude;             $ = 15;              $ = {               lat:position.coords.latitude,               lng:position.coords.longitude,               message: "you here",               focus: true,               draggable: false             };            }, function(err) {             // error             console.log("location error!");             console.log(err);           });        };      }]); 

map.html (not using menu.html)

<ion-view title="onemap">    <ion-nav-buttons side="left">     <button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>   </ion-nav-buttons>    <ion-nav-buttons side="right">     <button ng-click="locate();" title="search" class="button button-icon icon ion-ios-search-strong"></button>   </ion-nav-buttons>  <div class="row">      <ion-content data-tap-disabled="true" class="col col-50">          <leaflet id="map1" event-broadcast="" defaults="map.defaults" center="" markers="map.markers" layers="map.defaults.layers" width="100%" height="100%" ng-if="map"></leaflet>      </ion-content>      <ion-content data-tap-disabled="true" class="col col-50" style="left: 50%;">          <leaflet id="map2" event-broadcast="" defaults="map.defaults" center="" markers="map.markers" layers="map2.defaults.layers" width="100%" height="100%" ng-if="map2"></leaflet>      </ion-content>  </div>    <ion-tabs id="actiontabs" class="tabs-positive tabs-icon-top">      <a ng-click="locate();" name="find me" class="button button-icon icon ion-pinpoint" style="color: white;"></button>  </ion-tab>  </ion-tabs>  </ion-view> 
