mysql - Hibernate exception position beyond number of declared ordinal parameters -

i want perform mysql insert query using hibernate, have this:

string q1="insert sample (datasetstatusid,message,processtime) values('?','?','?') "; query query=session.createsqlquery(q1); query.setparameter(0, 5); query.setparameter(1, "testing"); query.setparameter(2, new date());   int result=query.executeupdate(); tx.commit(); 

i have following exception occured,

exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.queryparameterexception: position beyond number of declared ordinal parameters. remember ordinal parameters 1-based! position: 1

what's wrong here?

if using hibernate recommended way save data save(). hibernate has methods database operations.but reasons can use native sql query.saving hibernate following:

 session sess = factory.opensession();  transaction tx;  try {      tx = sess.begintransaction();;      tx.commit();  }  catch (exception e) {      if (tx!=null) tx.rollback();      throw e;  }  {      sess.close();  } 

recommended hibernate tutorials:
hibernate reference documentation
hibernate tutorial
