ruby on rails - RoR server for production -

i'm new rails , confused running ror code on server (from have been developing ror application locally , start server using rails server command. however, when ported same code server (git clone) , ran command asking me create new app. how can make rails run app? also, config changes required run app on production environment.

i saw this, confused starting server.

it's highly unusual see rails server used in production. performance absolutely abysmal since it's constrained single process.

most rails projects employ deployment tool capistrano automate process of shipping code, building assets, , other steps required make application ready power up.

it's necessary use rails hosting helper passenger manage rails processes. there others unicorn or puma might want try, principles similar.

normally you'll need prepare different set of configuration files production environment. recommend keeping database passwords, api keys, , other sensitive information on server itself, not checked repository. deployment tools make easy copy or link these appropriate place each time deploy.
