vbscript - Using pscp.exe, how can I find files and then transfer from Unix to my windows system? -

i can transfer files unix system windows system using pscp.exe below:

(i doing in vbscript).

function vbsmsgbox ()     set sh = createobject("wscript.shell")     sh.run "c:\users\msiddiq1\new\pscp.exe -pw password username@host:/b_st/batchrepo/bs31gzi c:\users\msiddiq1\new" end function 

but want transfer files returned below find command windows system:

find /b_st/batchrepo/bs31gzi -name "*900000007*" # returns 6 filenames. 

how can merge command above pscp command?.

i cannot create new directory. have use loop. please suggest.


i figured out.

i tried way:

function vbsmsgbox ()     set sh = createobject("wscript.shell")     sh.run "c:\users\msiddiq1\new\pscp.exe -pw password username@host:/b_st/batchrepo/bs31gzi/*900000007* c:\users\msiddiq1\new" end function 

it worked fine.

source : http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/chapter5.html

