c# - Return to index page from the contact page -

i have 1 long index page sections , 1 contact page, problem if go contact page , want go long index page, navigation links corrputed.

this navigation:

 <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">                         <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">                             <li><a href="#home" class="smoothscroll">home</a></li>                             <li><a href="#about" class="smoothscroll">studio</a></li>                             <li><a href="#team" class="smoothscroll">team</a></li>                             <li><a href="#service" class="smoothscroll">services</a></li>                             <li><a href="#work" class="smoothscroll">work</a></li>                             <li><a href="#pricing" class="smoothscroll">pricing</a></li>                             @*<li><a href="#contact" class="smoothscroll">contact</a></li>*@                             <li>@html.actionlink("contact", "contact", "home")                             </li>                         </ul>                     </div> 

so if go contact page, url wil be:


but if want go there example to: services, url:

http://localhost:53534/home/contact#service - not correct url, because correct url has be:  http://localhost:53534/#service. without controller name contact. 

but how manage that?

thank you

oke, tried, this:

  •                            @html.actionlink( "contact", "contact"                         , "home"                         , request.url.scheme                         , request.url.host                         , "contact"                         , null                         , null                         )                         </li> 

    but again if go contact other link, this: http://localhost:53534/home/contact#pricing

    i tried this:

  •                            @html.actionlink( "contact", "contact"                         , "home"                         , request.url.scheme                         , request.url.host                         , ""                         , null                         , null                         )                         </li> 

    so full navigation looks this:

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">                         <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">                             <li><a href="#home" class="smoothscroll">home</a></li>                             <li><a href="#about" class="smoothscroll">studio</a></li>                             <li><a href="#team" class="smoothscroll">team</a></li>                             <li><a href="#service" class="smoothscroll">services</a></li>                             <li><a href="#work" class="smoothscroll">work</a></li>                             <li><a href="#pricing" class="smoothscroll">pricing</a></li>                              <li>                                 @html.actionlink( "contact", "contact"                             , "home"                             , request.url.scheme                             , request.url.host                             , "contact"                             , null                             , null                             )                             </li>                         </ul>                     </div> 

    this newest:

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">                             <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">                                 <li><a href="#home" class="smoothscroll">home</a></li>                                 <li><a href="#about" class="smoothscroll">studio</a></li>                                 <li><a href="#team" class="smoothscroll">team</a></li>                                 <li><a href="#service" class="smoothscroll">services</a></li>                                 <li><a href="#work" class="smoothscroll">work</a></li>                                 <li><a href="#pricing" class="smoothscroll">pricing</a></li>                                  <li>                                     @html.actionlink( "contact", "contact"                                 , "home"                                 , request.url.scheme                                 , request.url.host                                 , "contact"                                 , null                                 , null                                 )                                 </li>                             </ul>                         </div> 

    but link become:http://localhost:53534/home/contact#pricing. , should be: http://localhost:53534/home/#pricing.

    yes, ok, sorry that, wrong post, but:

  •                             @html.actionlink("contact", "index"                             , "home"                             , request.url.scheme                             , request.url.host                             , "contact"                             , null                             , null                             )                         </li> contact page has without "#". "#". how omit "#"? changed first index contact, because name 
  • as stephen muecke pointed out in comment, use overload of html.actionlink.

    @html.actionlink ( "index" , "index" , "home" , null , null , "contact" // fragment , null , null ); 

    else use regular anchor (a) elements in html , @url.action. use url.action main page , navigate further there:

    <a href="@url.action("index", "home")#some_optional_hash" /> 
