Django tables template not being found -

in django 1.7, i'm unable provide custom template. instead defaults django_tables2/table.html

from django_tables2 import table basetable class table(basetable):     class meta:         template = 'portal/base_table.html' 

and folder structure:

apps/portal/ ├── ├── ├── templates │   └── portal │       ├── base.html │       ├── base_portal.html │       ├── base_table.html │       └── home.html 

in above, templates such portal/base.html resolved template finders.

if forego meta class , instead set:

from django_tables2 import table basetable class table(basetable):     template = 'portal/base_table.html' 

i instead error templatedoesnotexist seems trying resolve /data/www/apps/portal/templates/no template names provided among others.

to further support think template should resolving:

>>> render_to_response('portal/base_table.html') <django.http.response.httpresponse object @ 0x7fa940c74690>  >>> render_to_response('portal/base_table.html2')     ...     raise templatedoesnotexist(name) templatedoesnotexist: portal/base_table.html2 

my file contains:

base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) path = lambda *a: os.path.join(base_dir, *a) template_dirs = (     path('templates'), ) 

this working other templates such views. django-tables2 not use same lookup method?

in django tables2, using custom template providing custom template, need render in templates this:

<div class="">     {% load render_table django_tables2 %}     {% render_table table 'portal/base_table.html'%} </div> 

you can check answer reference: is possible apply template tag <td> when using django-tables2?
