Is LinkedIn API allowing to access all user profiles? -

we interested integrate linkedin our crm database see people (changed job) based on person name , current company name. possible? far know api restricted linked credential , limited his/her connections, right?

if it's correct, there linkedin api premium can access achieve want then?

we know linkedin has product called sales navigator , based on demo looks it's possible person has tagged first or that.

i'm appreciated feedback.


you can person profile after authentication, of may 12th linkedin has restricted use of api blog link.

according may access basic profile(name,picture,headline,title,location,current position) full profile access need apply linkedin partner account. "is there linkedin api premium can access ?" yes , here link premium link

"see people (changed job) based on person name , current company name. possible?" yes in permission r_fullprofile there field iscurrent true current company , false previous companies. can start date , end date companies.

to user connections ask r_network permission. connection profile name,profile pic,headline,industry , link connections linkedin profile

have @ these links :

data fields : link

transition guide : link

api terms of use : link
