4.10 Detalis to be shown and location of the details
4.11 Scales used in above drawings
5. Drawing of a building by actual measurements
5.1 Preparation of site plan, Line plan & detailed plan of an
existing residential building.
5.1.1 Dimentions to be taken, method of taking dimentions for
preparing above plan
5.1.2 Prepare line plan
5.1.3 Rough detailed plan with dimentions written on plan
5.1.4 Noting the dimentions for location of
* doors * windows * ventilators * lofts
* cupboards * steps and other details
5.1.5 Prepare detailed plan, elevation & section and compare
it with the existing drawing of the building
5.2 Comment the drawing with respect to principles of planning and
building byelaws
6. Planning residential buildings :
6.1 Given situations & plot area; prepare detailed drawing of a
single storeyed residential building i.e line plan, detailed plan,
elevation and section of the building
6.2 Given situations & plot area; prepare detailed drawing of a two
storeyed residential building i.e line plan, detailed ground floor
plan, first floor plan, second floor paln, design of stair case,
elevation and section
6.3 Other plans and tables required to be submitted for approval
7. Planning other type of buildings :
7.1 Given situations & plot area; prepare detailed drawings for
*school *hospital *bank *post office
*shopping centre *office building *industrial unit etc.
8. Perspective Drawing :
8.1 Related Terms
8.2 Procedure of preparing perspective view
*one point method *two point method
8.3 Draw the perspective view of
*single room residential building with verandah and steps
*column with sloping slab
9. Auto Cad
9.1 Recall the commands
9.2 Recall the use of Auto Cad
* My house or 3D Home Architecture to get set of working drawings
9.3 One exercise on Auto Cad
10. Building components
10.1 Draw sketches of
* floors and floorings * roofs and roof coverings
* false ceiling * doors * windows * ventilators
* cupboards etc.
Draw sketches of
* Signs, symbols, abbreviations & conventions (Max. 10 in each)
* Types of stairs
* Building Components (sub-structure and super-structure)
* Buildings on sloping ground.
Prepare following sheets
Sheet No 1. Measured Drawing
Sheet No 2. Planning of a Single storeyed residential building (Minimum 2 exercises)
Sheet No 3. Planning of a Two-storeyed residential building (Minimum 2 exercises)
Sheet No 4. Planning of commercial complex with parking
Sheet No 5. Planning of small industrial unit
Sheet No 6. Perspective drawing of
* Steps
* One room structure
* Column
* Garden bench.
(C) Prepare set of drawing of a single storeyed R.B. using computer
(Auto CAD)
* Multi-storeyed building. (framed structure)
* Row-houses.
* Low-cost housing.
* IS : 962-1967 IS : 1256-1967
* Copy of building bye-laws of the town where the Polytechnic is situated
* Standard text book of civil engineering drawing.
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