Python RegEx - How do I form a regex that contains a hyphen inside a word -

i need regular expression match "/page-2" or "/page-3" part of bigger url such

so far, have tried these combinations: '/page-\d' '/page-\d' '\b/page-\d\b'

please note, using regex part of rules in start_urls section in scrapy project. suggestions appreciated. here's code snippet:

class ndtvxolonewsitem(crawlspider):     name = "ndtvxolonews"     allowed_domains = [""]     start_urls = [""]     rules = [rule(linkextractor(allow=['\b/page\-\d\b']))] 

allowed_domains should domain name. can filter specific path including start of url in regex

class ndtvxolonewsitem(crawlspider):     name = "ndtvxolonews"     allowed_domains = [""]     start_urls = [""]     rules = [rule(linkextractor(allow=['*/page\-\d+']))] 
