i use excel send monthly statements our brokers. there way add column show if each of individual email sent.
some of rows might have invalid email address , way can tell if of them sent going through sent folder.
sub sendemails() dim answer variant answer = msgbox("you send statements. proceed?", vbyesno + vbquestion, "alert") select case answer case vbyes msgbox "process may take while finish. not attempt close worksheet or outlook.", vbinformation, "alert" dim outapp object dim outmail object dim sh worksheet dim cell range dim filecell range dim rng range application .enableevents = false .screenupdating = false end set sh = sheets("listing") set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") each cell in sh.columns("d").cells.specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants) set rng = sh.cells(cell.row, 1).range("a1:b1") if cell.value "?*@?*.?*" , _ application.worksheetfunction.counta(rng) > 0 set outmail = outapp.createitem(0) outmail .to = cell.value .subject = "statement of account - " & cell.offset(0, 2).value .body = cell.offset(0, 1).value each filecell in rng.specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants) if trim(filecell) <> "" if dir(filecell.value) <> "" .attachments.add filecell.value end if end if next filecell .send 'or use .display end set outmail = nothing end if next cell set outapp = nothing application .enableevents = true .screenupdating = true end case vbno goto quit: end select quit: end sub
why not resolve each recipient's email before sending
each olrecip in .recipients olrecip.resolve if not olrecip.resolve olmsg.display end if
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