bash - script a shell script that test that the new user can indeed upload and download files using passive mode of operation in proftpd -

i need shell script test new user can indeed upload , download files using passive mode of operation in proftpd.i had installed proftpd on /tmp , configuration file /etc/proftpd.conf. please guys me out here

 #! /bin/bash #decompress file  mkdir /opt/$1 cd /opt/$1 wget tar -xzf proftpd-1.3.3e.tar.gz #configure  cd proftpd-1.3.3e ./configure --sysconfdir=/opt #make file make #make install extracted file make install #to add ftp user,group useradd $2 groupadd $2 mkdir /home/$3 passwd $2 echo "user  $3 ">> /opt/proftpd.conf echo "group $3 ">> /opt/proftpd.conf echo "defaultroot  ~ " >> /opt/proftpd.conf echo "passiveports 30000 35000 ">> /opt/proftpd.conf exit                                                      

    echo -n "enter ftp username : "      read user      echo -n "enter password : "      read -s passwd       host=''      ftp -n -v $host << eot      ascii      user $user $passwd      prompt      put file.txt      file.txt      ls -la      bye      eot  
