- Session State with Azure Redis Cache not working on multiple instances -

i'm using azure redis cache store session of users share on multiple instances. not working... i'm logged in , load balancer directs request other webserver i'm loggout out on other server. current web.config:

<sessionstate mode="custom" customprovider="redissessionstatestore">   <providers>     <add name="redissessionstatestore" type="microsoft.web.redis.redissessionstateprovider" host="" accesskey="accesskey" ssl="true" />   </providers> </sessionstate> 

in portal can see, application writes data cache connection working. if authentication part looks this:

<authentication mode="forms">   <forms loginurl="welcome.aspx" defaulturl="default.aspx" cookieless="usecookies" timeout="60000" /> </authentication> 

is there else need running on multiple webservers? in tutorials found configuration above regarding sessionstate.

thanks help!

br, metabolic

i found problem. had different machinekeys on servers authentication cookie not decoded on other webserver.
