i using react react-router. trying pass property’s in "link" of react-router
var react = require('react'); var router = require('react-router'); var createideaview = require('./components/createideaview.jsx'); var link = router.link; var route = router.route; var defaultroute = router.defaultroute; var routehandler = router.routehandler; var app = react.createclass({ render : function(){ return( <div> <link to="ideas" params={{ testvalue: "hello" }}>create idea</link> <routehandler/> </div> ); } }); var routes = ( <route name="app" path="/" handler={app}> <route name="ideas" handler={createideaview} /> <defaultroute handler={home} /> </route> ); router.run(routes, function(handler) { react.render(<handler />, document.getelementbyid('main')) });
the "link" renders page not pass property new view. below view code
var react = require('react'); var router = require('react-router'); var createideaview = react.createclass({ render : function(){ console.log('props form link',this.props,this)//props not recived return( <div> <h1>create post: </h1> <input type='text' ref='newideatitle' placeholder='title'></input> <input type='text' ref='newideabody' placeholder='body'></input> </div> ); } }); module.exports = createideaview;
how can pass data using "link"?
this line missing path
<route name="ideas" handler={createideaview} />
should be:
<route name="ideas" path="/:testvalue" handler={createideaview} />
given following link
<link to="ideas" params={{ testvalue: "hello" }}>create idea</link>
from link posted on docs, towards bottom of page:
given route
<route name="user" path="/users/:userid"/>
from upgrade guide 1.x 2.x:
<link to>
, onenter, , isactive use location descriptors
<link to>
can take location descriptor in addition strings. query , state props deprecated.// v1.0.x
<link to="/foo" query={{ the: 'query' }}/>
// v2.0.0
<link to={{ pathname: '/foo', query: { the: 'query' } }}/>
// still valid in 2.x
<link to="/foo"/>
likewise, redirecting onenter hook uses location descriptor.
// v1.0.x
(nextstate, replacestate) => replacestate(null, '/foo') (nextstate, replacestate) => replacestate(null, '/foo', { the: 'query' })
// v2.0.0
(nextstate, replace) => replace('/foo') (nextstate, replace) => replace({ pathname: '/foo', query: { the: 'query' } })
for custom link-like components, same applies router.isactive, history.isactive.
// v1.0.x
history.isactive(pathname, query, indexonly)
// v2.0.0
router.isactive({ pathname, query }, indexonly)
update v3 v4:
- https://github.com/reacttraining/react-router/pull/3803
- https://github.com/reacttraining/react-router/pull/3669
- https://github.com/reacttraining/react-router/pull/3430
- https://github.com/reacttraining/react-router/pull/3443
- https://github.com/reacttraining/react-router/pull/3803
- https://github.com/reacttraining/react-router/pull/3636
- https://github.com/reacttraining/react-router/pull/3397
the interface still same v2, best @ changes.md react-router, updates are.
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