Need help on downloading a text file from a site using HttpsUrlConnection java class -

i want read content of text file located in site

i want read using java . started using httpsurlconnection class .

when take above url in browser , first redirect agreement page , if click agree button , can see text file . how can same procedure using httpsurlconnection class ?

this tried:

url url = new url(""); httpsurlconnection   https = (httpsurlconnection) url.openconnection(); https.setrequestmethod("post");  https.connect();  url = new url(""); httpsurlconnection  http = (httpsurlconnection) url.openconnection(); http.setrequestmethod("get");            http.connect();  string line = ""; bufferedreader in = new bufferedreader( new inputstreamreader(http.getinputstream())); while( (line = in.readline()) != null ) {system.out.println(line);     //process line     logger.debug(line);     processline(line); } http.disconnect(); 

any inputs highly appreciable

looks post request accept agreement results in session cookie server stores whether or not agreement accepted. try getting jsessionid cookie "set-cookie" header , sending in "cookie" header simulate behaviour of browser.
