javascript - Check radio button if another radio button is checked -

new angular js need know how check radio button 'b' if radio button 'a' checked?

my code

<input type="radio" name ="employeedata.seatchange1" ng-model="employeedata.seatchange" value="yes" > <input type="radio" name ="employeedata.seatchange" ng-model="employeedata.seatchange" value="no" > b  <input type="radio" name ="employeedata.seatchange3" ng-model="employeedata.seatchange" value="no1" > c 


you'll want have multiple radio buttons, each it's own value set property (although weird yes no better off checkbox, if had multiple values how radio buttons work)

<input type="radio" ng-model="employeedata.seatchange" ng-value="true" />a <input type="radio" ng-model="employeedata.seatchange" ng-value="true" />b 

when have 1 radio button, if not checked default or have no ng-value undefined, having 1 radio button, never unselect it.

try this, hope helps.
