c# - Attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly in Winamp's in_midi.dll -

i trying load winamp input plugin , work in c#. according winamp sdk, proper way load plugin:

in_mp3_lib = loadlibraryw(path); if (in_mp3_lib) {     plugingetter plugingetter = (plugingetter)getprocaddress(in_mp3_lib, "winampgetinmodule2");     if (plugingetter)     {         in_mp3 = plugingetter();     } } 

so i've created similar code in c#:

[dllimport("kernel32", setlasterror=true, charset=charset.unicode)] static extern intptr loadlibrary(string lpfilename);  [dllimport("kernel32", charset=charset.ansi, exactspelling=true, setlasterror=true)] static extern intptr getprocaddress(intptr hmodule, string procname);  delegate intptr plugingetter();  intptr hmod = loadlibrary("in_midi.dll"); var getmod = (plugingetter)marshal.getdelegateforfunctionpointer(getprocaddress(hmod, "winampgetinmodule2"), typeof(plugingetter)); intptr modptr = getmod(); 

however, on line loadlibrary, error (not exception) window shown:

--------------------------- microsoft visual c++ runtime library --------------------------- runtime error!  program: c:\users\...  r6034  application has made attempt load c runtime library incorrectly. please contact application's support team more information.  --------------------------- ok    --------------------------- 

and hmod null.

apparently, plugin tries load msvcrt90.dll, error keeps showing if have in directory.

problem solved, next one has arised.


add manifest project. @ end of manifest paste:

<dependency>   <dependentassembly>     <assemblyidentity type="win32" name="microsoft.vc90.crt" version="9.0.30729.4926" processorarchitecture="x86" publickeytoken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b" />   </dependentassembly> </dependency> 

(there should commented example <dependency>)

this use microsoft.vc90.crt in winsxs. go properties of project, , check in application->resources manifest selected.

now go in properties of project, , disable enable visual studio hosting project.

you'll need put in_midi.dll in same folder of .exe .

now should work.

for reference, i'm using:

class program {     [dllimport("kernel32", callingconvention = callingconvention.winapi, charset = charset.unicode, entrypoint = "loadlibraryw", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]     static extern intptr loadlibrary(string lpfilename);      [dllimport("kernel32", callingconvention = callingconvention.winapi, charset = charset.ansi, exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]     static extern intptr getprocaddress(intptr hmodule, string procname);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     delegate intptr plugingetter();      static void main(string[] args)     {         intptr hmod = loadlibrary("in_midi.dll");          if (hmod == intptr.zero)         {             throw new win32exception();         }          intptr proc = getprocaddress(hmod, "winampgetinmodule2");          if (proc == intptr.zero)         {             throw new win32exception();         }          plugingetter getmod = (plugingetter)marshal.getdelegateforfunctionpointer(proc, typeof(plugingetter));          intptr modptr = getmod();          if (modptr == intptr.zero)         {             throw new win32exception();         }          console.writeline("success");     } } 

if need, can pass whole project zipped.

for second question... sadly function returns pointer struct. problem in c#. if needed read struct, easy, have modify it. use marshal.ptrtostructure + marshal.structuretoptr, don't think idea (there delegates , strings need marshaling... don't want think happen). last time needed it, did full manual marshalling:

[structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)] public class in_module //ported in2.h in winamp sdk, struct size 152 {     [dllimport("kernel32", callingconvention = callingconvention.winapi, charset = charset.unicode, entrypoint = "loadlibraryw", exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]     private static extern intptr loadlibrary(string lpfilename);      [dllimport("kernel32", callingconvention = callingconvention.winapi, charset = charset.ansi, exactspelling = true, setlasterror = true)]     private static extern intptr getprocaddress(intptr hmodule, string procname);      private static readonly int offsetofmethodtable = sizeof(int) + intptr.size + intptr.size + intptr.size + intptr.size + sizeof(int) + sizeof(int);      intptr ptr;      public void loadmidimodule()     {         intptr hmod = loadlibrary("in_midi.dll");          if (hmod == intptr.zero)         {             throw new win32exception();         }          intptr proc = getprocaddress(hmod, "winampgetinmodule2");          if (proc == intptr.zero)         {             throw new win32exception();         }          plugingetter getmod = (plugingetter)marshal.getdelegateforfunctionpointer(proc, typeof(plugingetter));          ptr = getmod();          if (ptr == intptr.zero)         {             throw new exception();         }          hdllinstance = hmod;          config = getdelegate<configfunc>(0 * intptr.size);         = getdelegate<abountfunc>(1 * intptr.size);         init = getdelegate<initfunc>(2 * intptr.size);         quit = getdelegate<quitfunc>(3 * intptr.size);         getfileinfo = getdelegate<getfileinfofunc>(4 * intptr.size);         infobox = getdelegate<infoboxfunc>(5 * intptr.size);         isourfile = getdelegate<isourfilefunc>(6 * intptr.size);         play = getdelegate<playfunc>(7 * intptr.size);         pause = getdelegate<pausefunc>(8 * intptr.size);         unpause = getdelegate<unpausefunc>(9 * intptr.size);         ispaused = getdelegate<ispausedfunc>(10 * intptr.size);         stop = getdelegate<stopfunc>(11 * intptr.size);         getlength = getdelegate<getlengthfunc>(12 * intptr.size);         getoutputtime = getdelegate<getoutputtimefunc>(13 * intptr.size);         setoutputtime = getdelegate<setoutputtimefunc>(14 * intptr.size);         setvolume = getdelegate<setvolumefunc>(15 * intptr.size);         setpan = getdelegate<setpanfunc>(16 * intptr.size);         savsainit = getdelegate<savsainitfunc>(17 * intptr.size);         savsadeinit = getdelegate<savsadeinitfunc>(18 * intptr.size);         saaddpcmdata = getdelegate<saaddpcmdatafunc>(19 * intptr.size);         sagetmode = getdelegate<sagetmodefunc>(20 * intptr.size);         saadd = getdelegate<saaddfunc>(21 * intptr.size);         vsaaddpcmdata = getdelegate<vsaaddpcmdatafunc>(22 * intptr.size);         vsagetmode = getdelegate<vsagetmodefunc>(23 * intptr.size);         vsaadd = getdelegate<vsaaddfunc>(24 * intptr.size);         vsasetinfo = getdelegate<vsasetinfofunc>(25 * intptr.size);         dsp_isactive = getdelegate<dsp_isactivefunc>(26 * intptr.size);         dsp_dosamples = getdelegate<dsp_dosamplesfunc>(27 * intptr.size);         eqset = getdelegate<eqsetfunc>(28 * intptr.size);         setinfo = getdelegate<setinfofunc>(29 * intptr.size);     }      private tdelegate getdelegate<tdelegate>(int offset)     {         intptr ptr = marshal.readintptr(ptr, offsetofmethodtable + offset);          if (ptr == intptr.zero)         {             return default(tdelegate);         }          return (tdelegate)(object)marshal.getdelegateforfunctionpointer(ptr, typeof(tdelegate));     }      private void setdelegate<tdelegate>(tdelegate del, ref tdelegate field, int offset)     {         field = del;         intptr ptr = marshal.getfunctionpointerfordelegate((delegate)(object)del);         marshal.writeintptr(ptr, offsetofmethodtable + offset, ptr);     }      public int version     {                 {             return marshal.readint32(ptr, 0);         }     }      public string description     {                 {             return marshal.ptrtostringansi(marshal.readintptr(ptr, sizeof(int)));         }     }      public intptr hmainwindow     {                 {             return marshal.readintptr(ptr, sizeof(int) + intptr.size);         }          set         {             marshal.writeintptr(ptr, sizeof(int) + intptr.size, value);         }     }      public intptr hdllinstance     {                 {             return marshal.readintptr(ptr, sizeof(int) + intptr.size + intptr.size);         }          set         {             marshal.writeintptr(ptr, sizeof(int) + intptr.size + intptr.size, value);         }     }      public string fileextensions     {                 {             return marshal.ptrtostringansi(marshal.readintptr(ptr, sizeof(int) + intptr.size + intptr.size + intptr.size));         }     }      public int is_seekable     {                 {             return marshal.readint32(ptr, sizeof(int) + intptr.size + intptr.size + intptr.size + intptr.size);         }     }      public int usesoutputplug     {                 {              return marshal.readint32(ptr, sizeof(int) + intptr.size + intptr.size + intptr.size + intptr.size + sizeof(int));         }     }      private configfunc config;      public configfunc config     {                 {             return config;         }     }      private abountfunc about;      public abountfunc     {                 {             return about;         }     }      private initfunc init;      public initfunc init     {                 {             return init;         }     }      private quitfunc quit;      public quitfunc quit     {                 {             return quit;         }     }      private getfileinfofunc getfileinfo;      public getfileinfofunc getfileinfo     {                 {             return getfileinfo;         }     }      private infoboxfunc infobox;      public infoboxfunc infobox     {                 {             return infobox;         }     }      private isourfilefunc isourfile;      public isourfilefunc isourfile     {                 {             return isourfile;         }     }      private playfunc play;      public playfunc play     {                 {             return play;         }     }      private pausefunc pause;      public pausefunc pause     {                 {             return pause;         }     }      private unpausefunc unpause;      public unpausefunc unpause     {                 {             return unpause;         }     }      private ispausedfunc ispaused;      public ispausedfunc ispaused     {                 {             return ispaused;         }     }      private stopfunc stop;      public stopfunc stop     {                 {             return stop;         }     }      private getlengthfunc getlength;      public getlengthfunc getlength     {                 {             return getlength;         }     }      private getoutputtimefunc getoutputtime;      public getoutputtimefunc getoutputtime     {                 {             return getoutputtime;         }     }      private setoutputtimefunc setoutputtime;      public setoutputtimefunc setoutputtime     {                 {             return setoutputtime;         }     }      private setvolumefunc setvolume;      public setvolumefunc setvolume     {                 {             return setvolume;         }     }      private setpanfunc setpan;      public setpanfunc setpan     {                 {             return setpan;         }     }      private savsainitfunc savsainit;      public savsainitfunc savsainit     {                 {             return savsainit;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref savsainit, 17 * intptr.size);         }     }      private savsadeinitfunc savsadeinit;      public savsadeinitfunc savsadeinit     {                 {             return savsadeinit;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref savsadeinit, 18 * intptr.size);         }     }      private saaddpcmdatafunc saaddpcmdata;      public saaddpcmdatafunc saaddpcmdata     {                 {             return saaddpcmdata;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref saaddpcmdata, 19 * intptr.size);         }     }      private sagetmodefunc sagetmode;      public sagetmodefunc sagetmode     {                 {             return sagetmode;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref sagetmode, 20 * intptr.size);         }     }      private saaddfunc saadd;      public saaddfunc saadd     {                 {             return saadd;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref saadd, 21 * intptr.size);         }     }      private vsaaddpcmdatafunc vsaaddpcmdata;      public vsaaddpcmdatafunc vsaaddpcmdata     {                 {             return vsaaddpcmdata;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref vsaaddpcmdata, 22 * intptr.size);         }     }      private vsagetmodefunc vsagetmode;      public vsagetmodefunc vsagetmode     {                 {             return vsagetmode;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref vsagetmode, 23 * intptr.size);         }     }      private vsaaddfunc vsaadd;      public vsaaddfunc vsaadd     {                 {             return vsaadd;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref vsaadd, 24 * intptr.size);         }     }      private vsasetinfofunc vsasetinfo;      public vsasetinfofunc vsasetinfo     {                 {             return vsasetinfo;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref vsasetinfo, 25 * intptr.size);         }     }      private dsp_isactivefunc dsp_isactive;      public dsp_isactivefunc dsp_isactive     {                 {             return dsp_isactive;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref dsp_isactive, 26 * intptr.size);         }     }      private dsp_dosamplesfunc dsp_dosamples;      public dsp_dosamplesfunc dsp_dosamples     {                 {             return dsp_dosamples;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref dsp_dosamples, 27 * intptr.size);         }     }      private eqsetfunc eqset;      public eqsetfunc eqset     {                 {             return eqset;         }     }      private setinfofunc setinfo;      public setinfofunc setinfo     {                 {             return setinfo;         }          set         {             setdelegate(value, ref setinfo, 29 * intptr.size);         }     }      public intptr outmod     {                 {             return marshal.readintptr(ptr, offsetofmethodtable + 30 * intptr.size);         }     }      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     private delegate intptr plugingetter();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void configfunc(intptr hwndparent);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void abountfunc(intptr hwndparent);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void initfunc();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void quitfunc();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl, charset = charset.ansi)]     public delegate void getfileinfofunc(string file, string title, out int length_in_ms);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int infoboxfunc(string file, intptr hwndparent);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int isourfilefunc(string fn);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int playfunc(string fn);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void pausefunc();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void unpausefunc();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int ispausedfunc();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void stopfunc();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int getlengthfunc();            // length in ms      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int getoutputtimefunc();        // returns current output time in ms. (usually returns outmod->getoutputtime()      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void setoutputtimefunc(int time_in_ms); // seeks point in stream (in ms). signal thread seek, seeks , calls outmod->flush()..      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void setvolumefunc(int volume); // 0 255.. call outmod->setvolume      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void setpanfunc(int pan);   // -127 127.. call outmod->setpan      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void savsainitfunc(int maxlatency_in_ms, int srate);        // call once in play(). maxlatency_in_ms should value returned outmod->open()      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void savsadeinitfunc(); // call in stop()      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void saaddpcmdatafunc(intptr pcmdata, int nch, int bps, int timestamp);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int sagetmodefunc();        // gets csa (the current type (4=ws,2=osc,1=spec))      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int saaddfunc(intptr data, int timestamp, int csa); // sets spec data, filled in winamp      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void vsaaddpcmdatafunc(intptr pcmdata, int nch, int bps, int timestamp); // sets vis data directly pcm data      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int vsagetmodefunc(out int specnch, out int wavench); // use figure out give vsaadd      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int vsaaddfunc(intptr data, int timestamp); // filled in winamp, called plug-in      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void vsasetinfofunc(int srate, int nch); // <-- correct (benski, dec 2005).. old declaration had params backwards      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int dsp_isactivefunc();      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate int dsp_dosamplesfunc(ref short samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate);      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void eqsetfunc(int on, byte[] data, int preamp); // 0-64 each, 31 +0, 0 +12, 63 -12. nothing ignore.      [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)]     public delegate void setinfofunc(int bitrate, int srate, int stereo, int synched); // if -1, changes ignored? :) } 

i've put setter functions you'll need implement.

use like:

var mod = new in_module(); mod.loadmidimodule();  //var form = new form1();  // doesn't work, looking @  // http://dolphin-emu.googlecode.com/svn-history/r3174/trunk/externals/musicmod/player/src/inputplugin.cpp // seems plugins try hook windowproc. // i'm not sure if ok in winforms //mod.hmainwindow = form.handle; mod.init();  // note have implement:  //savsainit //savsadeinit //saaddpcmdata //sagetmode //saadd //vsaaddpcmdata //vsagetmode //vsaadd //vsasetinfo //dsp_dosamples //dsp_isactive //setinfo 

note comment!
