data.table - simple lookup in R by ID and Time -

i have dataset looks this:

set.seed(1234) dt<-data.table(id=c(rep(c("a","b","c","d"),5)),            year=rep(seq(from = 2010.5,to=2012.5,by = .5),each=4),            value=rnorm(20,10,1)) dt      id   year     value  1:  2010.5  8.792934  2:  b 2010.5 10.277429  3:  c 2010.5 11.084441  4:  d 2010.5  7.654302  5:  2011.0 10.429125  6:  b 2011.0 10.506056  7:  c 2011.0  9.425260  8:  d 2011.0  9.453368  9:  2011.5  9.435548 10:  b 2011.5  9.109962 11:  c 2011.5  9.522807 12:  d 2011.5  9.001614 13:  2012.0  9.223746 14:  b 2012.0 10.064459 15:  c 2012.0 10.959494 16:  d 2012.0  9.889715 17:  2012.5  9.488990 18:  b 2012.5  9.088805 19:  c 2012.5  9.162828 20:  d 2012.5 12.415835 

i want add 3 columns quite alike, value_previous_6m, value_previous_y , value_next_y each id. row 10 should this:

id   year    value value_previous_6m value_previous_y value_next_y b  2011.5  9.109962    10.50606         10.27743        9.088805 

i avoid plyr function because total dataset quite large.

many in advance, tim

edit: know can done merge function:

set.seed(1234) dt<-data.table(id=c(rep(c("a","b","c","d"),5)),            year=rep(seq(from = 2010.5,to=2012.5,by = .5),each=4),            value=rnorm(20,10,1)) dt6mp <- copy(dt) dt12mp <- copy(dt) dt6mp[,year:=year-.5] setkey(dt6mp,id,year);setkey(dt,id,year);setnames(dt6mp,"value","value6mp") dt <- merge(dt,dt6mp,all.x=t,all.y=f,allow.cartesian=t) dt12mp[,year:=year-1] setkey(dt12mp,id,year);setkey(dt,id,year);setnames(dt12mp,"value","value12mp") dt <- merge(dt,dt12mp,all.x=t,all.y=f,allow.cartesian=t) dt 

but think there should nicer method.

you can use approach ( voluntary did not aggregated 3 columns addition make clearer):

dt[,c('value_previous_6m')[match(year-0.5, .sd$year),value], id][    ,c('value_previous_y'):= .sd[match(year-1, .sd$year),value], id][    ,c('value_next_y')[match(year+1, .sd$year),value], id][]  #    id   year     value value_previous_6m value_previous_y value_next_y # 1:  2010.5  8.792934                na               na     9.435548 # 2:  b 2010.5 10.277429                na               na     9.109962 # 3:  c 2010.5 11.084441                na               na     9.522807 # 4:  d 2010.5  7.654302                na               na     9.001614 # 5:  2011.0 10.429125          8.792934               na     9.223746 # 6:  b 2011.0 10.506056         10.277429               na    10.064459 # 7:  c 2011.0  9.425260         11.084441               na    10.959494 # 8:  d 2011.0  9.453368          7.654302               na     9.889715 # 9:  2011.5  9.435548         10.429125         8.792934     9.488990 #10:  b 2011.5  9.109962         10.506056        10.277429     9.088805 #11:  c 2011.5  9.522807          9.425260        11.084441     9.162828 #12:  d 2011.5  9.001614          9.453368         7.654302    12.415835 #13:  2012.0  9.223746          9.435548        10.429125           na #14:  b 2012.0 10.064459          9.109962        10.506056           na #15:  c 2012.0 10.959494          9.522807         9.425260           na #16:  d 2012.0  9.889715          9.001614         9.453368           na #17:  2012.5  9.488990          9.223746         9.435548           na #18:  b 2012.5  9.088805         10.064459         9.109962           na #19:  c 2012.5  9.162828         10.959494         9.522807           na #20:  d 2012.5 12.415835          9.889715         9.001614           na 
