DOJO Tree without files to display -

my requirement create tree using dojo. of on-line tutorials created tree. have display folders(no files). suggestions how can filter in dojo folder can displayed not files inside folder.

root folder1 folder2 test.txt --this should not visible when users clicks on folder2. folder3 test2.log --this should not visible when users clicks on folder3. , on...

what can override buildmodel of tree you're using. create own widget extending dijit/tree following function in there:

_buildmodel: function() {    var model = new objectstoremodel({       store: this._store, //this can changed whatever store need       mayhavechildren: function(item) {          return item.type !== "folder"; //you can use whatever identifiers need       },       query: {          id: 'root'       }    });  } 

and in buildrendering stage, this:

buildrendering: function () {    this.inherited(arguments);    this.model = this._buildmodel(); } 
