objective c - iOS MultiTouch Event in different uiview -

i have 2 different uiview on uiviewcontroller.

that uiview left uiview (leftscreenview) , right uiview(rightscreenview).

they differentiate subview leftjoystickview(on leftscreenview) , rightjoystickview(on rightscreenview).

but found problem below:

when touch on leftscreenview , moving, touch other finger on rightscreenview.

now touch event become on leftscreenview. can't differentiate between leftscreenview , rightscreenview event.

i need touch on leftscreenview , moving , touch on rightscreenview moving different event (do moving) @ same time.

how can process multi touch distinguishing different moving event , began event?

 #pragma mark ----- touch action -----  -(void) touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event  {  //    nslog(@"------touchesbegan-------");      uitouch *touch = [[event alltouches] anyobject];       cgpoint touchviewpoint = [touch locationinview:touch.view];       cgpoint  touchleftscreenpoint = [touch.view convertpoint:touchviewpoint toview:self.leftscreenview];      cgpoint  touchrightscreenpoint = [touch.view convertpoint:touchviewpoint toview:self.rightscreenview];       nslog(@"touch left:%d",[self.leftscreenview pointinside:touchleftscreenpoint withevent:event]);       nslog(@"touch right:%d",[self.rightscreenview pointinside:touchrightscreenpoint withevent:event]);       nslog(@"touch.tapcount:%ld", touch.tapcount);       if( [self.leftscreenview pointinside:touchleftscreenpoint withevent:event] )      {          nslog(@"began click left screen");           self.leftsticklfconstraint.constant = touchleftscreenpoint.x ;          self.leftsticktopstickconstraint.constant = touchleftscreenpoint.y ;            [self.leftjoystickview touchesbegan:touches   withevent:event];      }else if( [self.rightscreenview pointinside:touchrightscreenpoint withevent:event] )      {           nslog(@"began click right screen");           self.rightsticklfconstraint.constant = touchrightscreenpoint.x ;          self.rightsticktopconstraint.constant = touchrightscreenpoint.y ;          [self.rightjoystickview touchesbegan:touches withevent:event];       }        nslog(@"  ");  }  

the move event below:

 -(void) touchesmoved:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event  {      uitouch *touch = [[event alltouches] anyobject];      cgpoint touchviewpoint = [touch locationinview:touch.view];       nslog(@"moved touch.tapcount:%ld", touch.tapcount);      nslog(@"moved touches count:%ld", [touches count]);       cgpoint  touchleftscreenpoint = [touch.view convertpoint:touchviewpoint toview:self.leftscreenview];      cgpoint  touchrightscreenpoint = [touch.view convertpoint:touchviewpoint toview:self.rightscreenview];       if( [self.leftscreenview pointinside:touchleftscreenpoint withevent:event] ) {          nslog(@"touchesmoved click left screen");           [self.leftjoystickview touchesmoved:touches withevent:event];       }else if( [self.rightscreenview pointinside:touchrightscreenpoint withevent:event] )      {          nslog(@"touchesmoved click right screen");          [self.rightjoystickview touchesmoved:touches withevent:event];      }   } 

when keep on leftscreenview @ moving, touch rightscreenview.

i touch left:1 touch right:0.


 2015-05-08 14:20:30.946 droneg2[3606:942222] touchesmoved click left screen  2015-05-08 14:20:30.947 droneg2[3606:942222] touches count:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.962 droneg2[3606:942222] moved touch.tapcount:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.962 droneg2[3606:942222] moved touches count:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.962 droneg2[3606:942222] touchesmoved click left screen  2015-05-08 14:20:30.963 droneg2[3606:942222] touches count:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.982 droneg2[3606:942222] moved touch.tapcount:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.982 droneg2[3606:942222] moved touches count:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.983 droneg2[3606:942222] touchesmoved click left screen  2015-05-08 14:20:30.983 droneg2[3606:942222] touches count:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.984 droneg2[3606:942222] touch left:1  2015-05-08 14:20:30.985 droneg2[3606:942222] touch right:0 

how can process multi touch on different uiview?

i had add below in viewdidload:

 self.leftscreenview.multipletouchenabled = no;  self.rightscreenview.multipletouchenabled = no;  //    self.leftscreenview.exclusivetouch = no;  //    self.rightscreenview.exclusivetouch = no;  self.view.multipletouchenabled =  yes; 

my storyboard screenshot :

enter image description here

thank much.

add uigesturerecognizer each of views inside -viewdidload. uigesturerecognizer able track state of gesture. example can use following.

//add gesture recognizer each view uipangesturerecognizer *pangesture =  [[uipangesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self                                                                                                            action: @selector(handlepan:)]; pangesture.minimumnumberoftouches = 1; [self.myview addgesturerecognizer:pangesture]; 

now inside of -handlepan can track state , view contains gesture.

- (void)handlepan:(uipangesturerecognizer *)gesture{      uiview *view = gesture.view; //view contains gesture      if(gesture.state == uigesturerecognizerstatebegan){      }else if(gesture.state == uigesturerecognizerstatechanged){      }else if(gesture.state == uigesturerecognizerstateended){      }  } 


to distinguish between left , right view can add tag each view.

leftview.tag = 0; rightview.tag = 1; 

then inside of -handlepan:

uiview *view = gesture.view; //view contains gesture  if(view.tag == 0)    //...  if(view.tag == 1)    //... 


you need add gesture left , right view, not view of view controller.

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];     self.leftscreenview.tag = 0;     self.rightscreenview.tag = 1;       uipangesturerecognizer *pangesture =     [[uipangesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self                                             action: @selector(handlepan:)];     pangesture.minimumnumberoftouches = 1;     [self.leftscreenview addgesturerecognizer:pangesture];      uipangesturerecognizer *pangesture1 =     [[uipangesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self                                             action: @selector(handlepan:)];     pangesture1.minimumnumberoftouches = 1;     [self.rightscreenview addgesturerecognizer:pangesture1];  } 
