angularjs - Angular js - directive and ajax call -

i new angular , have question angular ajax call.

i struggle service call fires after directive. , can´t work properly. code works hardcoded json-data in controller idont know how setup service/factory remote service.

here working sample hardcoded json. code explained: have list of item in view , want show toolbox, on hover each item. use jquery.qtip.js so. use directive show toolbox , content controller json. (in function getcurrentbooklist whant mark in toolboxlist name same.)

var listcontrollers = angular.module('listcontrollers', []);  listcontrollers.controller("startctrl", function ($scope) {         $scope.booklist = [     { name: 'john', age: 25, gender: 'boy' },     { name: 'jessie', age: 30, gender: 'girl' },     { name: 'johanna', age: 28, gender: 'girl' },     { name: 'joy', age: 15, gender: 'girl' },     { name: 'mary', age: 28, gender: 'girl' },     { name: 'peter', age: 95, gender: 'boy' },     { name: 'sebastian', age: 50, gender: 'boy' },     { name: 'erika', age: 27, gender: 'girl' },     { name: 'patrick', age: 40, gender: 'boy' },     { name: 'samantha', age: 60, gender: 'girl' }     ];      $scope.gettooltips = function (bookid) {          return getcurrentbooklist(bookid, $scope.booklist);     } });  listcontrollers.directive('qtip', function () {     return {         restrict: 'a',         link: function (scope, element, attrs) {             element.qtip({                 content: {                     text: scope.gettooltips(attrs.qtip)                 },                 position: {                     my: 'bottom center',                     at: 'top center'                 },                 hide: {                     fixed: true,                     delay: 300                 }             });         }     }; });  var getcurrentbooklist = function (name, arr) {     var rettext = "<ul>";     (i = 0; < arr.length; i++) {         if (name== arr[i].name) {             rettext += "<li>" + arr[i].name + " - mark </li>";         } else {             rettext += "<li>" + arr[i].name +"</li>";         }     }     rettext += "</ul>";     return rettext; }; 


when want use service/factory remote data, call $http returns promise object. please check $http.get docs here. call further actions after data fetched done when promise resolves/fails.
