flash - AMS Publish livestream and liveevent at the same time -

i working on new version of customers webcam application. connects single ams application , works fine expected. want realize mobile stream well. got work streaming directly flash media live encoder (connecting directly livepkgr application on ams).

so main application have find solution, stream connects default application (for desktop clients) , second connection livepkgr application create hls specific video chunks.

i not sure if right, have use livepkgr hls streaming itself. maybe possible extend current application (let´s call "camchatdev") provide hls ready chunks well.

maybe can me out? dont know start.

here current connects:

  1. camchat desktop clients: rtmp://xxx.xxx.xx.xx:80/appname
  2. camchat mobile clients (via fmle): rtmp://xxx.xxx.xx.xx:80/livepkgr/livestream1?adbe-live-event=myliveevent

to put in nutshell: want have second connection made automatically when first 1 established. other solution first connection (or application) automatically create hls ready chunks.

hope understand need ;-)

best, patrick
