javascript - AngularJS - ng-bind not updating -

i have controller has function alerts api , update count on front-end of site bound alert.

unfortunately ng-bind attribute i'm using doesn't seem updating count live, though simple console.log() telling me actual alert count being updated in controller.


<div class="modeselector modeselector_oneup" data-ng-controller="mylivestockcontroller vm">     <a class="modeselector-mode" data-ui-sref="my-livestock">         <div class="modeselector-type">alerts</div>          <img class="modeselector-icon" src="/inc/img/_icons/envelope-black.svg" onerror="this.src=envelope-black.png" />          <span data-ng-bind="vm.alertcount"></span>     </a> </div> 


(function() {    'use strict';    function mylivestockcontroller(userservice) {      var vm = this;      vm.mylivestocknotification = {       isloading: true,       haserror: false     };      vm.alertsnotification = {       isloading: true,       haserror: false,       hasdata: false     };      vm.deletealert = function(id) {        vm.currentalert = void 0;       vm.alertsnotification.isloading = true;        userservice.deletealert(, id).then(function() {          // remove alert our array         vm.alerts = vm.alerts.filter(function(alert) {           return !== id;         });          // refresh alert count user         vm.getalerts(;          vm.alertsnotification.isloading = false;         vm.alertsnotification.haserror = false;       }, function() {         vm.alertsnotification.haserror = true;       });     };       vm.getalerts = function(id) {         userservice.getalerts(id).then(function(alertdata) {           vm.alertcount = alertdata.length;            if (vm.alertcount > 0) {             vm.alertsnotification.hasdata = true;           } else {             vm.alertsnotification.hasdata = false;           }            vm.alerts = alertdata;            vm.alertsnotification.isloading = false;           vm.alertsnotification.haserror = false;         }, function() {           vm.alertsnotification.haserror = true;         });     };      // init     (function() {       userservice.getcurrentuser().then(function(data) {         vm.mylivestocknotification.haserror = false;         vm.mylivestocknotification.isloading = false;          vm.user = data;          // alert count user         vm.getalerts(;       }, function() {         vm.mylivestocknotification.haserror = true;       });     })();   }    angular     .module('abp')     .controller('mylivestockcontroller', mylivestockcontroller);  })(); 


(function() {    'use strict';    function userservice($q, $sessionstorage, $localstorage, $filter, user) {      var service = this;      service.getalerts = function(id) {       var deferred = $q.defer();        user.alerts({ userid: id }, function(response) {         if (response.hasownproperty('data')) {            // convert dates valid date           angular.foreach(, function(alert) {             /* jshint camelcase: false */             if (alert.created_at) {               alert.created_at = $filter('abpdate')(alert.created_at);             /* jshint camelcase: true */             }           });            deferred.resolve(;         }         else {           deferred.reject('data error');         }       }, function(e) {         deferred.reject(e);       });        return deferred.promise;     };    angular     .module('abp')     .service('userservice', userservice);  })(); 

as can see, i've got getalerts() function being called every time alert deleted, using deletealert() function, <span data-ng-bind="vm.alertcount"></span> on front-end updates after refreshing page, i'd update live.

your bind not updating because change value of alertcount outside of digest cycle of angular app. when refresh app, digest runs , value gets updated. wrap update of variable in $scope.apply() so:

$scope.$apply(function(){     vm.alertcount = alertdata.length; }); 

this force digest , update value live.
if have more values updated outside of digest (any callback, promise etc) can force digest cycle calling:


hope helps.

edit -----
given update full code, see not injecting scope anywhere in controller, controllers write start that:

(function () {  var app = angular.module('mainmodule');  app.controller('mycontroller', ['$scope', '$myservice', function ($scope, $myservice) {      //logic }]); }()); 

edit -----
here quick go had on code:

(function() { 'use strict';   var app = angular.module('abp');  app.controller('mylivestockcontroller', ['$scope', 'userservice', function($scope, userservice) {      var vm = {};     $scope.vm = vm;      vm.mylivestocknotification = {         isloading: true,         haserror: false     };      vm.alertsnotification = {         isloading: true,         haserror: false,         hasdata: false     };      vm.deletealert = function(id) {          vm.currentalert = void 0;         vm.alertsnotification.isloading = true;          userservice.deletealert(, id).then(function() {              // remove alert our array             vm.alerts = vm.alerts.filter(function(alert) {                 return !== id;             });              // refresh alert count user             vm.getalerts(;              vm.alertsnotification.isloading = false;             vm.alertsnotification.haserror = false;         }, function() {             vm.alertsnotification.haserror = true;         });     };      vm.getalerts = function(id) {         userservice.getalerts(id).then(function(alertdata) {             vm.alertcount = alertdata.length;              if (vm.alertcount > 0) {                 vm.alertsnotification.hasdata = true;             } else {                 vm.alertsnotification.hasdata = false;             }              vm.alerts = alertdata;              vm.alertsnotification.isloading = false;             vm.alertsnotification.haserror = false;              //important, promise have apply scope update view             $scope.$apply();         }, function() {             vm.alertsnotification.haserror = true;         });     };      // init     (function() {         userservice.getcurrentuser().then(function(data) {             vm.mylivestocknotification.haserror = false;             vm.mylivestocknotification.isloading = false;              vm.user = data;              // alert count user             vm.getalerts(;         }, function() {             vm.mylivestocknotification.haserror = true;         });     })(); }]);  })(); 

the general idea is:

  1. you create app (angular.module)
  2. you create controller in app, $scope injected
  3. any values want updated on view, add $scope
  4. if have $scope updates in callback, event or promise, wrap them in (or follow with) $scope.$apply call

i think should work :)
