javascript - How Do I Use a Meteor Template Helper to Edit a Value Passed as a Parameter in Iron-Router? -

how use template-helper edit value of parameter passed route created using pathfor method of iron-router???

i have template-helper:

template.registerhelper('slugify', function(obj){   return _.slugify(obj); }); 

in .html file have this:

{{#each menuitemsfromdb}}           {{#each arrayofmenuitems}}           <a class="item category" href="">           {{this}}           </a>           {{/each}} {{/each}} 

the {{this}} in above code returns string, name of category. because have registered template helper, can slugify category by:

{{slugify this}} 

and have route:

this.route('list',{     path: '/list/:category_slug',     template: 'list',     controller: 'listcontroller'   }); 

i can link route , pass parameter route by:

{{pathfor 'list' category_slug='the-value-i-passed'}} 

but hard-coding cannot achieve desired result want.
want dynamic using 'slugify' template helper , iron-router's pathfor method , using value of {{this}}.

what i'm trying achieve although code below doesn't work:

{{pathfor 'list' category_slug={{slugify this}} }} 

what's work around achieve i'm 'trying' achieve above line????

i hoping can like:

{{pathfor 'list' category_slug=slugify(this) }} 


{{pathfor 'list' category_slug='{{slugify this}}' }} 

long story short, you're looking not yet implemented using current syntax, although it's part of handlebars standard implementation, upon meteor spacebars based.

for moment, have create separate helper slugifies input , call within pathfor.


template.mytemplate.helpers({   slugified: function(){     return _.slugify(this);   } }); 


{{pathfor 'list' category_slug=slugified}} 

note handlebars sub-expression support planned in near future , might make way next version of meteor according pr :
