objective c - Passing App Data through the View Controller Hierachy in Xcode / iOs -

i have home screen.

on button press. either fetch information server , store in object or create default information using class called "defaults.h/m" - store variables. , "function.h/m" manipulate default values , call methods.

how can pass data globally of future view controllers create. can access , use information.

here signin/notsignin code:

you can see call [function fetchinformation]. method checks if user has internet connection, proceeds set values in defaults class.

 - (ibaction)signin:(uibutton *)sender {       nsstring * username = self.usernametextfield.text;      nsstring * password = self.passwordtextfield.text;       if([function isinternetconnectionavailable]){         if([function login:username :password]){             [function fetchinformation];         }         else{             uialertview * error = [function showerroralert:@"login" :@"username or password incorrect" : @"ok"];             [error show];         }      }      else{          uialertview * error = [function showerroralert:@"connection" :@"please connect internet" : @"ok"];          [error show];      } }  - (ibaction)notsignedin:(uibutton *)sender {     [function fetchinformation];  } 

here fetchinformation method:

+(void)fetchinformation {     //instantiate user defaults     nsstring * information = @"";      if([function isinternetconnectionavailable]){         //set learnfest data server using url request , json response         information = [self getappinformation];         [self updatestoredlearnfestinformation:information];     }     else{         //set default information         information = [self getlocallearnfestinformation];         [self updatestoredlearnfestinformation:information];     }      //[self debugout:@"information" :information];     [self decodeappinformation:information]; } 

here updatestoredlearnfestinformation method:

+(void)updatestoredlearnfestinformation:(nsstring *)information {     //set default learnfest information     [self updatesaveddatawithstring:@"default" :@"default_information" :information]; } 

and updatesaveddatawithstring method:

+(void)updatesaveddatawithstring:(nsstring *)file :(nsstring *)key :(nsstring * )value {     [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] setvalue:value forkey:key];     [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] synchronize]; } 

can offer solution?


update: i've added 3 methods use store default information app. please review , consider have done.

one of options use singleton object. can import module singleton declared required controllers , access properties , methods.
