when dynamically creating choices selectfield in wtforms, (u'choice',) rendered in dropdown list. suspect unicode, no idea how correct string.
for example
form.group_id_name.choices = [(row, row) row in db.session.query(entry.group_id_name).distinct()]
in forms have
group_id_name = selectfield('group_id_name')
i render
<select id="group_id_name" name="group_id_name"><option value="choice1">choice1</option><option value="choice2">choice2</option></select>
instead get
<select id="group_id_name" name="group_id_name"><option value="(u'choice1',)">(u'choice1',)</option><option value="(u'choice2',)">(u'choice2',)</option></select>
it's not unicode.
returns sequence of column values each row. query 1 column in length-1-tuple.
when implicitly convert tuple string part of template python code representation of tuple, looks (somevalue,)
you want include string value of column in template, should access first element of sequence, eg:
form.group_id_name.choices = [(row[0], row[0]) row in db.session.query(entry.group_id_name).distinct()]
or using unpacking assignment:
form.group_id_name.choices = [(name, name) (name,) in db.session.query(entry.group_id_name).distinct()]
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