whitespace - How to change tabSize and insertSpaces in vscode -

how go changing "editor.tabsize" , "editor.insertspaces" values vscode? i've opened file > preferences > user settings , added:

// place settings in file overwrite default settings  {  // controls rendering size of tabs in characters. if set auto, value guessed based on opened file.  "editor.tabsize": 4,    // controls if editor insert spaces tabs. if set auto, value guessed based on opened file.  "editor.insertspaces": true,  }

however, when open html file two-space tabs, pressing tab inserts 2 spaces, , when open file uses \t tabs, pressing tab inserts \t.

what doing wrong causes vscode not respect settings?

there trailing comma in snippet , vscode fails understand settings malformed json. happy next update, issue should fixed :)!

the working version of settings is:

// place settings in file overwrite default settings  {  // controls rendering size of tabs in characters. if set auto, value guessed based on opened file.  "editor.tabsize": 4,    // controls if editor insert spaces tabs. if set auto, value guessed based on opened file.  "editor.insertspaces": true  }
