Important SEO Tips to Get You Search Engine Friendly URLs

Search engine friendly URLs

Buying your domain name, developing a web site, and choosing the hosting provider is the first stages of a successful web site and one area that is often over looked is SEO URLs or search engine friendly URLs so read our guide to increase traffic to website

Most people who use the Internet do so to find information or products and the tool of choice for most users is the search engine.

Ranking well in search engines can be very lucrative indeed from a business point of view and it is important that a part of your web site development work should include search engine optimization.

So SEO URLs is important for many reasons especially when you take into account the fact that most people who use a search engine rarely go past the first two pages before making their decision so you will get no traffic to website and bad search engine friendly URLs.

The main idea of search engine optimization is to increase unpaid visitors to your web site through SEO URLs or search engine friendly URLs. The important word here is "unpaid" free visitors to your site who are looking for the products or information you supply for free.

The subject of paid search is an entire book in itself and should not be discounted in an all round approach to web site success.

Knowing exactly how a search engine algorithm work would be of significant advantage to any web developer doing work to create SEO URLs or search engine friendly URLs but the likes of Google and yahoo will never divulge the inner workings of their algorithms.

The search engine companies use a many algorithms to form their results and so there are simply far to many variables to make a complete understanding possible.

This said there are certain things that are known you can do to increase your search engine ranking and traffic to website, there are also many things you can do to damage your rank. So lets look are few of these points I more detail in the fine art of search engine optimization.


The web consist of a huge number of documents and unless these documents are linked in some way they would be very difficult to control. Linking allows the web to work by supplying structure, control and a way of prioritizing sites. A site with many good links is considered more important and SEO URLs friendly to search engines than a site with less links.

Of all the many areas search engines take into account linking is one of the most important and time consuming to get right for good search engine optimization and increase traffic to website.

Another point to consider is URL forwarding, if you change the name of your domain and don't take into account all the hard work you have put into your link exchange service, it could all be lost.

Make sure you plan ahead and inform the search engines of any such changes by using redirects. With a redirect there is no way a search engine could know there is an association with the new domain name. Also make sure that any site linking to your site is properly redirected to the new site. This is good search engine friendly URLs practice

Page Rank

Lets look at the most popular form of ranking system when it comes to search engine optimization, Google's Page Rank algorithm. Page Rank was setup by Google to measure the importance of certain web pages relative to others and is important to understand in your SEO URLs plan.

Page Rank think of a link to a web site page as a vote, that vote can be positive or negative depending on linking page. Too many irrelevant links can bring your PR ranking down.

One of the main problems with using PageRank as an indicator of importance is that the information is only update around twice a year so the information is always outdated. This can be a problem if you use PageRank as an indicator of importance of a website you wish to buy or link too.

PR is only one area google uses in its algorithm when deciding on the quality of a site and building its search result pages or SERPs.

Web Site Content

The importance of certain hidden content is not as important as it use to be due to the work of spammers etc. The search engines are now using other factors to judge a sites importance. Don't get me wrong, hidden content or robot text is still a great way to help your but it is not the be all and end all it used to be. Hidden content using css could also be judge to be spam and could be heavily penalized in the search engines.

Concentrate more on the visible content as most search engines now rely more heavily on this information being a far more true representation of the site and is a good search engine optimization strategy that will lead to SEO URLs or search engine friendly URLs

Page Titles

Page Titles are the text found in the title tag field of the code and should be carefully considered for SEO. Make sure that all the pages of your site contain a unique title. The use of the same title on many pages can be seen as duplicate content and devalue your web site. The title field is visible in search engines in the main search title and the browser window.

The Page Heading

Page headings are headings used to accent a section of a page and are important in giving a page context. They are an important part of SEO in search engines and make sure you use them correctly adding H1 and H2 heading where required. They also help a use navigate your site more efficiently

Web Site Copy

Page content is maybe the most important part of a well designed site. The more relevant the content is to your keywords and description the better. Although it is important not to overplay the keywords or you may find that your page is devalued. This is call keyword stiffing and is frowned upon by all the search engines.

Make sure your content is balance and you use the keywords in various inflections such as singular, plural, future tense and past tense. Also vary your keyword order to cover all the possible angles for example: web site hosting reviews, review web site hosting etc.

Outbound Linking

Make sure any links from your pages are not to spam related sites and are relevant to the page content. Again this is an area search engines take into account.

Internal link Structure

Ensure your pages are ordered correctly, pages that are split into several parts and are accessed through the prev and next button are more difficult not only for your customers to read but also the search engines that will most likely consider this content less important.

Web Site Age

The longer a web site as been active the more important it is to search engines if all other SEO factors are equal. Also ensure that you update the content on your site as regularly as possible as this proves your web site is active.

So remember search engine optimization is hard work but can pay off in a big way if you get it right. Give us a call if you want more information on this subject or services.

Bee Ltd is a domain acquisition and development company that has many years experience in the domain name and internet market. You will find many useful articles and advice on all manner of subjects associated with domains names, SEO and web development at our site:

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