UARS update 5: new predicted re-entry tonight at 05:10 UTC +/- 2 hrs | Bad Astronomy

The Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies has updated their predicted re-entry time for NASA’s UARS satellite. It is now 9/24 (tonight!) at 05:10 UTC (01:10 Eastern US time), which puts it over the southern Indian ocean:

See Related posts below for information and background. Note the uncertainty is once again smaller, at +/- 2 hours!

Related posts:

-UARS update 3: new predicted re-entry tonight at 03:16 UTC +/- 5 hrs
- UARS update 2: new predicted re-entry at 00:58 UTC
- Update: satellite *might* fall on Friday at 22:00 UTC +/- 9 hours
- NASA satellite due to burn up some time in the next few days

September 23rd, 2011 8:35 PM Tags: re-entry, satellite, UARS
by Phil Plait in Cool stuff, NASA, Space | 30 comments | RSS feed | Trackback >

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