UPDATE: Atlas: Greenland is a Different Color Now, Thanks to Warming | 80beats

@4. mememine69 :

If you really love the planet and respect science, ask yourself these questions before bowing to blind faith:
-how does “warming” prove Humanity did?

.. did what? Do you mean what evidence shows Humans have caused the current rapid Global Overheating?

Well, actually, there’s plenty of evidence for that starting with the spectroscopic fingerprint taken of the carbon dioxide showing it’s largely the product of us burning fossil fuels. Then there’s the troposphere warming faster than the stratosphere which is in line with Human Induced Rapid Global Overheating (HIRGO) and doesn’t match the idea of solar cycles.

Then there’s the difference between what the other possible causes would doing versus us adding 40% or so more CO2 to the air. Milankovitch orbital cycles should be leading us towards – in a few thousand years – another ice age but temperatures are rising fast. Solar cycles have been less active recently and while they matched the temperature records earlier they’ve diverged widely form what’s happening temps~wise since about the 1970's or so. Cosmic rays haven’t been unusual lately or anything.

So if these natural factors are NOT causing warming and should be leading us towards cooler temps – which we’re NOT seeing as 2010 was the hottest year on record according to reliable NASA data – then what *is* behind the global Overheating?

Couldn’t it be because carbon dioxide and other greenhosue gases are at record levels? Could we really add so much extra carbon dioxide to our air, using up in centuries fossil carbon that’s been stored over hundreds of millions of years without this having any consequences? The evidence is in, and yes it is because of that.

If you think you have a better explanation then you need to write it up and have it scientifically published today! (Or point to a reliable source that has done so at minimum.)

-why are there tropical fossils under the “melting” ice and on every continent?

You’ve never heard of continental drift & plate tectonics then?

Also, yes, global climates were different in the past both colder and hotter but that doesn’t mean that we’re NOT responsible for it this time. Evidence painstakingly collected and analysed by thousands of scientists in hundreds of thousands of scientific papers shows that HIRGO is real. Are you really calling 97% of all climatologists liars?

-what has to happen now (besides “they say…”, to convince you remaining climate blamers that the voting majority called “former believers and deniers” are 100% correct?

Well seeing convincing actual scientific evidence from reliable peer-reviewed scientific papers would be the main thing.

Also having a genuine, accepted alternative causation that explains why our climate is getting hotter despite having solar cycles that should be moving us towards cooler conditions and an explanation for why the most basic and well-established physics of how carbon dioxide works is supposedly wrong and the climate contrarians right.

Plus say an observed long term trend towards stable or cooling temperatures and advancing rather than globally retreating ice sheets and glaciers.

-all the scientists study “effects” not causes so why would they say it’s not happening?

Eh? Citations please.

Actually, I think you’ll find a vast number of scientists do focus more on cause than effect. Examples : medical doctors studying the cause of disease, astronomers the cause of Gamma ray Bursts and supernova and planetary systems forming as they are, zoologists studying the evolutionary causes of animal physiology and behaviour, et cetera..

-is exaggerating a worst case scenario a crime?

Not necessarily, no. For one thing, its a good way of generating SF or crime novels! ;-)

Is that what you think the scientists are doing regarding HIRGO though?

Because, if anything, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been conservative and underestimated the effects of HIRGO.

-wouldn’t real planet lovers do everything they could to make sure the greatest emergency ever (catastrophic CO2 crisis), in the history of the planet is actually true?

They’ve done that checking already – & yes it is actually true.

If you have real evidence to the contrary then please produce it but please first check your information and sources and make sure that what you *think* is evidence against the HIRGO theory is actually saying what you think it is and is actually as relevant as you think it is. Because, sadly and tediously, a lot of the “arguments” put forward by the climate Contrarians are very old errors, cherry-picked info, misunderstandings and misquotings and otherwise easily debunkable.

-why should we trust science and scientists when it was they who denied that their toxic chemicals and pesticides were not safe?

Because science works. You owe science your microwave oven, your mobile phone, your computer and so much else.

Is science perfect and are scientists all noble saints? Of course not. But the scientific method works to correct itself and constantly improve our understanding of reality. It is the best method humans have yet devised through of our reasoning minds to approach the truth of the cosmos.

-can you explain why if the majority of scientists DO agree, why are they not acting like it’s a real climate crisis from Human CO2? Don’t they have children too? Why are they not marching in the streets and acting like the end is near (catastrophic climate crisis).

Some of them are doing so – leading NASA climatologist Jim Hansen for instance has been arrested at protests against new coal mines.

Scientists are people and people respond in many different ways but many scientists do speak out on this issue and have been for decades including some prominent names such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov and, in Australia, Tim Flannery.

Unfortunately, politicians don’t listen to scientists enough and in many cases, scientists who do speak out get derided and devalued for doing so – getting accused of being too “activist” and not “objective” enough as though speaking publicly makes your scientific analysis less valid. (Hint : It doesn’t.) So in some ways they’re dammed if they do, dammned if they don’t.

-is a comet hit as bad as unstoppable warming?

Irrelevant non-sequiteur.

However, the answer is actually that truly unstoppable warming will be worse – our earth will eventually be destroyed in fire when our Sun turns into a Red giant in a few billion years time from now. Our planet has survived comet and meteorite impacts in the past -and the consequences of these vary depending on the size of the impacting body.

If the warming were “unstoppable” then it would literally never end and be far worse – taking a literal view of your words, you could be meaning something like the Big Rip theory of the end of the universe caused by Dark Energy but that’s another story again.

Human Induced Rapid Global Overheating isn’t “unstoppable” although it will take a very long time and major effort to stop.

-if you were told to study the consequences of climate change, why would you deny climate change?

In theory you’d deny it if theer was good evidence leading you to think it wasn’t real – and you’d most likely win a Nobel prize and overwhelming global adulation plus major wealth if you could prove HIRGO wasn’t real.

Another possible reason you’d deny HIRGO’s reality is if you are being commissioned to do so and rewarded for doing so, say by Big Oil companies and Right Wing lobby groups.

-look for yourself, almost none of the climate change research is in causes.

Take your own advice there please, mememine69!

Look for yourself. Look at the evidence presented by the scientists and decide based on that.

Consider this too : If not much research is being done on the cause of HIRGO maybe its because that question was scientifically conclusively settled a long time ago?

-scientists say this climate has never happened like this before.Is that good enough to look you kids in the eyes and tell them they will suffer a CO2 death from catastrophic climate change crisis if they don’t start turning the lights out more often?

That’s called a “strawman” argument because it has the same structural integrity and metaphorical tensile strength as rotten strands of hay.

No one is telling kids what you seem to think they’re telling them.

Even if they were, its actually not relevant to the reality or otherwise

What matters is the scientific evidence and that has shown that Human Induced Rapid Global Overheating is happening.

What we choose to do about it – or refuse to do about it – is up to us.

But the longer we take to act on this very real issue – which is as well established as the theory of gravity and evolution – the harder and more costly it will be to turn things around and the worse the amount of human suffering will be.

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