
Can Trees Offset Our Carbon Fumes?

Gallery | Don't Send an Astronaut to Do a Space-Robot's Job

How Scarily Sloppy DNA Evidence Convicted, Then Released, Amanda Knox | 80beats

Please help kids in need learn about math and science | Bad Astronomy

The naming of names | Bad Astronomy

Beneficial gut bacteria can become virus collaborators | Not Exactly Rocket Science

U.S. Air Force is opening up rocket contracts for competition | Bad Astronomy

Shades of preference in storytelling | Gene Expression

A window into Titan | Bad Astronomy

California Bans Trade in Shark Fins | 80beats

Doctor Who fan trailer to tide you over | Bad Astronomy

Galaxies swarm and light bends under dark matter’s sway | Bad Astronomy

100,000-Year-Old Paint Factory Suggests Early Humans Knew Chemistry | 80beats

Next-Generation, Honking-Big, Recession-Proof Alien Hunting

Followup: FTL neutrinos explained? Not so fast, folks. | Bad Astronomy

I’ve got your missing links right here (15 October 2011) | Not Exactly Rocket Science

Scottish Doctors Are Applying Ultrasound to Broken Bones. Does That Really Help? | 80beats

There's a Shot for That

In which states do grandchildren live at home? | Gene Expression

Browser share via Google Trends | Gene Expression

Imagine a world with ubiquitous DNA tests…. | Gene Expression

Starred review for #ScienceInk in Publisher’s Weekly: “Breathtaking” | The Loom

NCBI ROFL: Smells like safe sex: olfactory pathogen primes increase intentions to use condoms. | Discoblog

The future is not impossible | Gene Expression

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How can I save sort .txt into files? Python or shell script -

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Matlab read Strings as arrays for transposition cipher -

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