django - How to start second for loop where the first for loop ends due to if condition? -

i trying start second loop first loop ended. in loop using cell, in both loop. in first loop using if condition. when condition false, came out first loop, , go in second loop, , start cell cell in first loop ended... how that..

i java code following, how same thing in django template.

java code

int i=0;    for(;i< arr.length; i++){         if(i<5 && i<arr.length)            break;    }    for(i<arr.length;i++){     } 

django template

<tr{{ row.attr_string|safe }}>     {% spaceless %}          {% cell in row %}             {% if forloop.counter < 4 %}                                  {%  include "horizon/common/_data_grid_cell.html" %}                 break             {% endif %}          {% endfor %}         <a href="#" id="example-show" class="showlink" onclick="showhide('example');return false;">see more.</a></p>          {% cell in row %}             {%  include "horizon/common/_data_grid_cell.html" %}          {% endfor %}     {% endspaceless %} </tr> 

you can use {% if forloop.last %} inside loop check if last item in list.

you cann't break forloop in django template.

alternatively can use slice.

{% cell in row|slice:"4" %} 

for first looop.
