encryption - Is chrome.storage.sync data protected by the Chrome sync passphrase? -

the documentation says confidential information should not stored:


confidential user information should not stored! storage area isn't encrypted.

but seems users have option of choosing own passphrase encrypt chrome sync data:


so 1 it? chrome extension data protected sync passphrase?

also, don't bit:

when sign in chrome , enable sync, chrome keeps information secure using google account credentials encrypt synced passwords. alternatively, can choose encrypt of synced data sync passphrase. sync passphrase stored on computer , isn't sent google.

why passphrase stored on computer? doesn't make more secure.

the chrome.storage area not encrypted anyhow while on machine. that's why first warning there, , it's valid.

when transmitted google servers, can opt secure additional layer of encryption - while it's on google's servers. it's protection against trying data (to new device, or hypothetical attack on google servers).

it's stored on computer, google never sees , can't decrypt data on servers. need passphrase work data, , chrome not ask every time syncs data (which often) - it's stored locally.

think of box lock. instead of giving google plain-text document, give google box said document , keep key yourself. meanwhile, while working on document, keep local copy outside box, , keep key handy in case box sent google you.
