javascript - .jshintrc file not being read -

i'm using jshint lint es6 code on ionic framework project. need config listing in order use es6. seems when run linter, using small script, doesn't read configuration file .jshintrc . got bunch of these errors:

'arrow function syntax (=>)' available in es6 (use esnext option). ->     $ionicplatform.ready(() => { 

my .jshintrc file:

{   "asi": false,   "boss": true,   "curly": true,   "eqeqeq": false,   "eqnull": true,   "esnext": true,   "expr": true,   "forin": true,   "immed": true,   "laxbreak": true,   "newcap": false,   "noarg": true,   "node": true,   "nonew": true,   "plusplus": true,   "quotmark": "single",   "strict": false,   "undef": true,   "unused": true } 

i'm running jshint script contained in hooks/before_prepare

#!/usr/bin/env node  var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var jshint = require('jshint').jshint; var async = require('async');  var folderstoprocess = [     'js6/',     'js6/controllers',     'js6/controllers/schedule', ];  folderstoprocess.foreach(function(folder) {     processfiles("www/" + folder); });  function processfiles(dir, callback) {     var errorcount = 0;     fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) {         if (err) {             console.log('processfiles err: ' + err);             return;         }         async.eachseries(list, function(file, innercallback) {             file = dir + '/' + file;             fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {                 if(!stat.isdirectory()) {                     if(path.extname(file) === ".js") {                         lintfile(file, function(haserror) {                             if(haserror) {                                 errorcount++;                             }                             innercallback();                         });                     } else {                         innercallback();                     }                 } else {                     innercallback();                 }             });         }, function(error) {             if(errorcount > 0) {                 process.exit(1);             }         });     }); }  function lintfile(file, callback) {     console.log("linting " + file);     fs.readfile(file, function(err, data) {         if(err) {             console.log('error: ' + err);             return;         }         if(jshint(data.tostring())) {             console.log('file ' + file + ' has no errors.');             console.log('-----------------------------------------');             callback(false);         } else {             console.log('errors in file ' + file);             var out =,             errors = out.errors;             for(var j = 0; j < errors.length; j++) {                 console.log(errors[j].line + ':' + errors[j].character + ' -> ' + errors[j].reason + ' -> ' + errors[j].evidence);             }             console.log('-----------------------------------------');             callback(true);         }     }); } 

the file structure typical cordova project structure, have www folder js6 folder inside www --> js6 --> controllers --> schedule


if(jshint(data.tostring())) { 


if(jshint(data.tostring(), {esnext:true}})) { 

or can read .jshintrc file's content first, , set jshint config in place. see
