unity3d - Cannot Change to a specific scene in Unity after building it to mobile device -

currently i'm using application.load() change scenes , works in unity. when built mobile platform , tested it, in 1 scene can't change specific scene.

for example, gameplayscene, levelselectionscene, mainmenu. i'm able change scene mainmenu levelselectionscene , gameplayscene. unknown reason, i'm unable go levelselectionscene gameplayscene while can change scene mainmenu gameplayscene. below sample code button goes levelselectionscene gameplayscene

    private void onclick ()     {         debug.log ("clicked");          if (playerprefs.getint("sanguinedifficultyachieved") == 1)         {             debug.log("entering difficulty");             m_owner.setactive ();         }         else         {             debug.log("exiting");             state.current = state.notingame;             application.loadlevel(scene.name);         }         m_owner.close (); 

i don't understand why works on unity debugger doesn't work on mobile platforms.

update 1

i tried use numbers instead of strings worked well. still don't understand reason why.

finally got answer. seems scenes collided each other because use scenes asset bundle , added scenes build settings. why when use application.load(int number) works because access scene build settings.
