i using parsleyjs.org validate forms.
the plugin creates ui.parsley-errors-list
when input has validation error.
the problem .parsley-errors-list
being placed after form element's "input, textarea, radio etc.." breaking layout follows:
<fieldset> <p>checkboxs max</p> <label class="checkbox parsley-error"> <input name="checkbox2" type="checkbox" required="" data-parsley-maxcheck="2" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" data-parsley-id="5492"> <span></span> <p>normal</p> </label> <ul class="parsley-errors-list filled" id="parsley-id-multiple-checkbox2"> <li class="parsley-required">this value required.</li> </ul> <label class="checkbox"> <input name="checkbox2" type="checkbox" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" data-parsley-id="5492"> <span></span> <p>normal</p> </label> <label class="checkbox"> <input name="checkbox2" type="checkbox" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" data-parsley-id="5492"> <span></span> <p>normal</p> </label> </fieldset>
instead, .parsley-errors-list
need positioned last child/element within container <fieldset>
is achievable?
you can set error container (at least) 2 ways.
change container dom attributes
in cases have 1 input (or group of inputs, do) , want change container of errors on inputs, can use
(see docs). here example (jsfiddle demo)<fieldset> <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input type="checkbox" id="inlinecheckbox1" required data-parsley-maxcheck="2" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" value="option1" data-parsley-errors-container="#checkbox-errors" /> 1 </label> <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input type="checkbox" id="inlinecheckbox2" data-parsley-maxcheck="2" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" value="option2" /> 2 </label> <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input type="checkbox" id="inlinecheckbox3" data-parsley-maxcheck="2" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" value="option3" /> 3 </label> <div id="checkbox-errors"></div> </fieldset>
note attribute
on first checkbox , element<div id="checkbox-errors"></div>
@ end of fieldset.in case don't need add
checkboxes because you're "grouping" themdata-parsley-multiple="checkbox2"
.set custom configuration used parsley
in cases have few or inputs , want change position of default container. lets fields placed inside fieldset , want display errors @ end of fieldset.
this solution allows change default container each field (jsfiddle demo)
<fieldset> <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input type="checkbox" id="inlinecheckbox1" required data-parsley-maxcheck="2" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" value="option1" /> 1 </label> <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input type="checkbox" id="inlinecheckbox2" data-parsley-maxcheck="2" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" value="option2" /> 2 </label> <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input type="checkbox" id="inlinecheckbox3" data-parsley-maxcheck="2" data-parsley-multiple="checkbox2" value="option3" /> 3 </label> <div id="checkbox-errors"></div> </fieldset> <script> $(document).ready(function() { var parsleyconfig = { errorscontainer: function(parsleyfield) { var fieldset = parsleyfield.$element.closest('fieldset'); if (fieldset.length > 0) { return fieldset.find('#checkbox-errors'); } return parsleyfield; } }; $("form").parsley(parsleyconfig); }); </script>
in solution we've added element
<div id="checkbox-errors"></div>
before end of fieldset , changederrorscontainer
option of parsley. if our element inside fieldset errors displayed inside#checkbox-errors
.based on example, able set same container fields. in case options (jsfiddle demo):
var parsleyconfig = { errorscontainer: function(parsleyfield) { return $('#errors'); } };
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