regression - Modelling interactions with only a subset of the levels of a factor in R -

let's first @ lm. have continuous explanatory $x$ , factor $f$ modelling seasonal aspects (in example 8 levels).

let $\beta$ denote slope $x$ want model interactions of slope factor. kind of physical model assume interaction significant 2 of 8 levels. how can formulated? use ordinary formula later put censored regression in aer package (function tobit)

the data is:

n = 50 f = rep(c("s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8"),n) fcoeff = rep(c(-1,-2,-3,-4,-3,-5,-10,-5),n) beta = rep(c(5,5,5,8,4,5,5,5),n) set.seed(100)  x = rnorm(8*n)+1 epsilon = rnorm(8*n,sd = sqrt(1/5)) y = x*beta+fcoeff+epsilon 

a fit interactions gives accurate result

fit <- lm(y~0+x+x*f) summary(fit)  call: lm(formula = y ~ 0 + x + x * f)  residuals:      min       1q   median       3q      max  -1.41018 -0.30296  0.01818  0.32657  1.20677   coefficients:        estimate std. error  t value pr(>|t|)     x      5.039064   0.075818   66.463   <2e-16 *** fs1   -0.945112   0.088072  -10.731   <2e-16 *** fs2   -2.107483   0.103590  -20.344   <2e-16 *** fs3   -2.992401   0.088164  -33.941   <2e-16 *** fs4   -4.054411   0.094878  -42.733   <2e-16 *** fs5   -2.730448   0.094815  -28.798   <2e-16 *** fs6   -5.232721   0.102254  -51.174   <2e-16 *** fs7   -9.969175   0.096307 -103.515   <2e-16 *** fs8   -4.922782   0.092917  -52.980   <2e-16 *** x:fs2 -0.006081   0.097748   -0.062    0.950     x:fs3 -0.050684   0.102124   -0.496    0.620     x:fs4  2.988702   0.103652   28.834   <2e-16 *** x:fs5 -1.196775   0.105139  -11.383   <2e-16 *** x:fs6  0.099112   0.103811    0.955    0.340     x:fs7 -0.007648   0.110908   -0.069    0.945     x:fs8 -0.107148   0.094346   -1.136    0.257     --- signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1  residual standard error: 0.4705 on 384 degrees of freedom multiple r-squared:  0.9942,    adjusted r-squared:  0.994  f-statistic:  4120 on 16 , 384 df,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 

how can model interaction s4 , s5 only? can delete other interactions fit further predictions?

i tried split factors in 2 model gets singular:

f = rep(c("s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8"),n) fcoeff = rep(c(-1,-2,-3,-4,-3,-5,-10,-5),n) f2 = rep(c("s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8"),n) f[f %in% c("s4","s5")] <- "no.inter" f2[f2 %in% c("s1","s2","s3","s6","s7","s8")] <- "rest"  fit <- lm(y~0+x+x*f2+ f) summary(fit)  call: lm(formula = y ~ 0 + x + x * f2 + f)  residuals:      min       1q   median       3q      max  -1.41018 -0.31544  0.00653  0.31615  1.20670   coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)        estimate std. error t value pr(>|t|)     x       5.01794    0.02756 182.106   <2e-16 *** f2rest -5.02213    0.07381 -68.045   <2e-16 *** f2s4   -4.05441    0.09495 -42.702   <2e-16 *** f2s5   -2.73045    0.09488 -28.777   <2e-16 *** fs1     4.09310    0.09480  43.177   <2e-16 *** fs2     2.93401    0.09424  31.132   <2e-16 *** fs3     2.00475    0.09456  21.201   <2e-16 *** fs6    -0.07894    0.09419  -0.838    0.402     fs7    -4.93545    0.09452 -52.213   <2e-16 *** fs8          na         na      na       na     x:f2s4  3.00983    0.07591  39.651   <2e-16 *** x:f2s5 -1.17565    0.07793 -15.086   <2e-16 *** --- signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1  residual standard error: 0.4709 on 389 degrees of freedom multiple r-squared:  0.9941,    adjusted r-squared:  0.994  f-statistic:  5983 on 11 , 389 df,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 

the easiest way might manipulate model matrix remove unwanted columns:

xx <- model.matrix(y ~ 0 + x + x*f) omit <- grep("[:]fs[^45]", colnames(xx)) xx <- xx[, -omit] lm(y ~ 0 + xx) 


call: lm(formula = y ~ 0 + xx)  coefficients:     xxx    xxfs1    xxfs2    xxfs3    xxfs4    xxfs5    xxfs6    xxfs7    xxfs8  xxx:fs4  xxx:fs5     5.018   -0.929   -2.088   -3.017   -4.054   -2.730   -5.101   -9.958   -5.022    3.010   -1.176  
