reporting services - Parameters. Only show in main dataset -

i have main data set called "incomerecievedgeneralneeds". used on main report. includes field called "scheme"

i have created new dataset called "scheme" , parameter called scheme, want scheme parameter show schemes in main present showing me schemes not in main dataset.

the scheme code here -

select distinct  loc.scheme 'scheme'    ih_location loc 

the incomerecievedgeneralneeds code here -

select distinct  trans.tncy_sys_ref 'tncysysref'                 ,ten.tenancy_ref 'tenancyref'                 ,trans.created_date 'transactioncreateddate'                 ,mhs.startdate 'startofweekdate'                 ,mhs.enddate 'endofweekdate'                 ,mhs.financialyear 'transactionfiscalyear'                 ,mhs.monthname 'transactionfiscalmonthname'                 ,mhs.month 'transactionfiscalmonth'                 ,mhs.week 'transactionfiscalweek'                 ,concat('week ',                          mhs.week,                         ' (',                         convert(varchar(11),mhs.startdate,103),                         '-',                         convert(varchar(11),mhs.enddate,103),                         ')'                         ) 'transactionfiscalweekwithdates'                 ,trans.comment_ 'transactioncomment'                 ,trans.trans_amt 'transactionamount'                 ,case when trans.account_type in ('in','li') 'income'                         when trans.account_type = 'hb' 'housingbenefit'                         else '' end 'accounttype'                 ,trans.account_type                 ,acc.description 'accountcode'                 ,loc.scheme 'scheme'                 ,loc.mgt_area 'management area'                 ,loc.location_type 'location type'                 ,loct.description 'location type description'                 ,ten.tncy_start 'tenancystartdate'                 ,ten.tncy_end 'tenancyenddate'                 ,case when ten.tncy_end null                      or trans.created_date < ten.tncy_end                      'current' else 'former' end 'incometenancystatus'                 ,ten.tncy_status 'tenanacystatus'                 ,case when ten.tncy_status = 'for' loc.former_arrs_ofcr else loc.arrears_ofcr end 'officercode'       [dbo].[re_tncy_trans] trans     inner join           re_tenancy ten     on trans.tncy_sys_ref = ten.tncy_sys_ref     inner join         re_tncy_place tenpl     on  ten.tncy_sys_ref = tenpl.tncy_sys_ref     inner join         ih_location loc     on  tenpl.place_ref = loc.place_ref     inner join         [dbo].[re_accounts] acc     on     trans.account_code = acc.account_code     , trans.account_type = acc.account_type     inner join     [mhsinsight].[dbo].[mhs_month_week] mhs     on trans.created_date between mhs.startdate , mhs.enddate     inner join     [dbo].[ih_location_type] loct     on loc.location_type = loct.location_type   trans.account_type in ('in','hb','li') , mhs.startdate >= convert(datetime, '2014-04-07 00:00:00', 102) , loc.place_ref <> '9999999999' 

in parameter query, use same , clause use in main query, , same schemes have in main dataset.
