php - API with hundrets of forms - out of memory -

in symfony 2.6 project have api mobile app gives possibility add , object lots of data.

main form consists of collection of other forms. each of child forms have same things, 4 in total. structure looks this:

master form has child1 forsm has child2 forms has child3 forms.

the object has instance 2 000 entities child3, 8 child2 entities, 3 child1 entities , 1 master entity.

many times error while saving data:

ah01071: got error 'php message: php fatal error: allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried allocate 88 bytes) in /vendor/symfony/symfony/src/symfony/component/optionsresolver/optionsresolver.php on line 755\n'

i have add types forms elements, like:

$buider->add('startlangutude', 'text') 

also have turned off sqllogger. there other neat solution here? have experience in , share?

i suggest drop form approach , use simple json_decode array (it's cheaper resource wise compared object), create bunch of arraytoentitytransformer using strategypattern. in each strategy can validate given array before object creation process. if object valid, use doctrine batch processing recommendations save memory clearing entitymanager after each batch.

good luck.
