python - Pythonic way to return interval from a list -

i'm wondering whether there's more pythonic way interval list knowing beginning , ending values while traversing list once.

example of want in not pythonic manner (stores names between 'ann' , 'john' inclusive):

all_names = [] start_adding = false  name in names:     if name == 'ann':         start_adding = true     if start_adding:         all_names.append(name)     if name == 'john':         break 

that solution traverses list once. , uses 1 expression , functions standard library! :)

import itertools  l = ['bill', 'patrick', 'aaron', 'ann',      'jane', 'rachel', 'beatrix',       'john', 'basil', 'alice', ] l = iter(l)  print(     list(         it.chain(             it.dropwhile(lambda _: true, iter(lambda: next(l), 'ann')),             iter(lambda: next(l), 'john')         )     ) ) 


['jane', 'rachel', 'beatrix'] 

also - demo:
