c - Bitfields bigger than a long long? -

is possible declare bitfield of large numbers e.g.

struct binfield{     uber_int field : 991735910442856976773698036458045320070701875088740942522886681; }wordlist; 

just clarify, i'm not trying represent number in 256bit, that's how many bits want use. or maybe there aren't many bits in computer?

c not support numeric data-types of arbitrary size. can use integer sizes provided compiler, , when want code portable, better stick minimum guaranteed sizes standardized types of char (8 bit), short (16 bit), , long (32 bit) , long long (64 bit).

but can instead create char[]. char @ least 8 bit (and not more 8 bit either except on exotic platforms). can use array of char store many bit-values can afford memory. however, when want use char array bitfield need boilerplate code access correct byte.

for example, value of bit n of char array, use

bitfield[n/8] >> n%8 & 0x1 
