java - Spring app - run method on end of transaction? -

i wondering possible configure spring in way fire particular method on end transaction?

for example have service class method

@service public class service implements iservice {     @resource     private entitydao entitydao;      @resource     private someservice someservice;      @transactional     @override     public void dothings()     {        entitydao.dosmthondb();        someservice.thismethodfiresonendoftransaction();     }  } 

and second service class

@service public class secondservice implements isecondservice {   @resource   private iservice service;    @transactional   @override   public void method()   {   service.dothings();   /*   other code can break transaction   */   } } 

so if call secondservice.method() want someservice.thismethodfiresonendoftransaction() fire if transaction end successfully.

is possible in spring?

not sure, if it's idea delegate spring when can add new bean indirection layer between services , delegate thing it.

but if don't have choice or want spring, can specify own platformtransactionmanager, delegate calls default manager, intercepts successful commit() calls. example:

public class mytransactionalmanager implements platformtransactionmanager { // ... implementation via delegation skipped here     @override     public void commit(transactionstatus status) throws transactionexception {         defaultmanager.commit(status);         // might want check status.isrollbackonly() here         someservice.thismethodfiresonendoftransaction(); } 

now can either replace default transaction manager in application (then ::thismethodfiresonendoftransaction called after each transaction) or add in context qualifier, should write this:

@override @transactional(value = "mymanager", rollbackfor = ...)   public void method() 

(and in end of answer still think flawed approach , implementing via bean far better)
