javascript - Internet Explorer 8 Compatibilty jQuery -

ie 8 error

hi, im wondering if can me on this, keep getting in ie8, ive been through jquery , checked errors, did have couple many ,'s after options , few after brackets no matter try can not recognise $ code below...

$(document).ready(function() {       /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */     /*  1.  main slider (revolution slider)     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */      $('.revslider').revolution( {  <-- line 31         delay                 : 9000,         startwidth            : 1120,         startheight           : 535,          onhoverstop           : "on",                   // stop banner timet @ hover on slide on/off          thumbwidth            : 100,                    // thumb , height , amount (only if navigation tyope set thumb !)         thumbheight           : 50,         thumbamount           : 3,          hidethumbs            : 200,         navigationtype        : "none",                 //bullet, thumb, none, both  (no shadow in fullwidth version !)         navigationarrows      : "verticalcentered",     //nexttobullets, verticalcentered, none         navigationstyle       : "round",                //round,square,navbar          touchenabled          : "on",                   // enable swipe function : on/off          navoffsethorizontal   : 0,         navoffsetvertical     : 20,          stopatslide           : -1,                     // stop timer if slide "x" has been reached. if stopafterloops set 0, stops in first loop @ slide x defined. -1 means not stop @ slide. stopafterloops has no sinn in case.         stopafterloops        : -1,                     // stop timer if slides has been played "x" times. stop @ slide defined via stopatslide:x, if set -1 slide never stop automatic          fullwidth             : "on",          shadow                : 0     }); 

you can use jquery instead of $, leading to

jquery(document).ready(function() {     jquery('.revslider').revolution( {         ... 

also note jquery 2.x doesn't support ie8 - see here.

you need use jquery 1.x support of ie6+.

also check if include scripts correctly - see question: how $(document).ready() work in ie 8?
