json - Flume - Solr Integration -

this scenario.

input json data flows flume , needs indexed , stored solr in near real time. using latest cdh release.

i did not find documentation complete. disconnected @ places.

can please point me in right direction here?

  • should use morphilines sink , dont transformations? or if don't want transformations json, use other sink directly write solr?
  • pointers documentation clear steps
  • or please list in step-by-step form (of course, high level).

here few pointers:

1) if source rabbitmq, jmssource right component.

2) short of writing own solr custom source, recommend using morphlinesolrsink, no transformation. works charm. if don have transform or modify things, can either implement own custom handler oder use interceptor. keep in mind amount of solr records must corresponds amount of event source receives.
