java - hibernate mapping - getting an error while running the hibernate configuration -

i trying run hibernate configuration eclipse , create db structure out of it. on running configuration getting following exception:

java.sql.sqlexception: ora-00942: table or view not exist  java.sql.sqlexception: ora-00904: : invalid identifier errors. 

i used annotations create hbm/pojo. below code. im not sure if im missing something. help?

configuration: eclipse kepler sr2 hibernate core 4+ oracle 10g jdk 8 eclipse

import javax.persistence.cascadetype; import javax.persistence.column; import javax.persistence.entity; import javax.persistence.generatedvalue; import javax.persistence.generationtype; import; import javax.persistence.jointable; import javax.persistence.manytomany; import javax.persistence.joincolumn; import javax.persistence.onetomany; import javax.persistence.table;  @entity public class rulequestion {      //attributes     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy     private long id;      //question name on jsp      private string jspquestion;      //level of question in rule data model     private int level;     //if question has child questions associated     private boolean haschildren;     //is multiselect     private boolean ismultiselect;     //possible answers question     /*@onetomany(cascade = cascadetype.all, mappedby = "question")     private list<ruleanswer> possibleanswers =new arraylist<ruleanswer>(0);     *///answer question     private string answer;     //defeault answer     private string defaultanswer;     /*//associated children questions     private list<rulequestion> associatedquestions;*/      //visibility     private string visibility;      public rulequestion()     {      }       public long getid() {         return id;     }       public void setid(long id) { = id;     }       public string getjspquestion() {         return jspquestion;     }      public void setjspquestion(string jspquestion) {         this.jspquestion = jspquestion;     }      public int getlevel() {         return level;     }      public void setlevel(int level) {         this.level = level;     }      public boolean ishaschildren() {         return haschildren;     }      public void sethaschildren(boolean haschildren) {         this.haschildren = haschildren;     }      public boolean ismultiselect() {         return ismultiselect;     }      public void setmultiselect(boolean ismultiselect) {         this.ismultiselect = ismultiselect;     }      public string getanswer() {         return answer;     }      public void setanswer(string answer) {         this.answer = answer;     }      public string getdefaultanswer() {         return defaultanswer;     }      public void setdefaultanswer(string defaultanswer) {         this.defaultanswer = defaultanswer;     }      public string getvisibility() {         return visibility;     }      public void setvisibility(string visibility) {         this.visibility = visibility;     } 


add below line after @entity.


the @table annotation allows specify details of table used persist entity in database.

the @table annotation provides 4 attributes, allowing override name of table, catalogue, , schema, , enforce unique constraints on columns in table. using table name employee.

also add

  @id     @generatedvalue     @column(name = "id")     private integer  id; 

i have class generate table

@entity @table(name = "transaction") public class transaction {      @id     @generatedvalue     @column(name = "id")     private integer  id;      @column(name="ocpp_start_tag_id",nullable=false)     private string ocppstarttagid;  } 
