scala - how to join the members in one class in the order they are clarified? -

i have case class:

case class c(a:string, b:string, c:int, d:long, e:string ... ) 

i want join members in class

val c = new c("a", "b", 1,  1l, "e" ... )  val joined_str = c.a + c.b + c.c + c.d + c.e ...  // many members... 

is there function join members easily? don't want write many member names, because number of members many , name of members long...

the short answer,

val c = c("a", "b", 1,  1l, "e") c.productiterator.mkstring(",") res0: string = a,b,1,1,e 

case classes equipped product iterator iterating on fields.

note though looses type information; instance,

c.productiterator.toarray res1: array[any] = array(a, b, 1, 1, e) 

becomes array of any.
