php - Getaroom API: Get list of hotels by destination search -

get list of hotels getaroom api according destination search.

this url generates xml file getting available hotels: api not best api optimized performance said support team:

$getaroom_url =  ""; $getaroom_url .= "destination=$city%2c%20$cntry"; $getaroom_url .= "&rinfo=$room_array_string"; $getaroom_url .= "&check_in=$check_in"; $getaroom_url .= "&check_out=$check_out"; $getaroom_url .= "&transaction_id=1234"; $getaroom_url .= "&cancellation_rules=1"; $getaroom_url .= "&api_key=$api_key&auth_token=$auth_token"; 

therefore can't use code getting list of hotels.

this api list of hotels in xml , csv:

xml format:****ggggg&auth_token=abcdef****ggggggg

csv format:****ggggg&auth_token=abcdef****ggggggg

to destination search in las vegas, must pull uuids in las vegas , surrounding areas, multi property request. when uuid found, hit api given below:[[18,18]]&check_in=6/15/2015&check_out=6/17/2015&transaction_id=1234&cancellation_rules=1&api_key=*************&auth_token=*****************

so long process availability of hotel. problem how hotel list according destination , check-in , check-out in 1 request. there other api getaroom through can hotel list checkin,checkout,destination parameters in expedia. thank in advance

on home page, there form find hotel. first field in form "destination" , first field in xml example. tested web form destination, check-in , check-out dates, , returned list of hotels in single request. information available via request on www. here url form generated:[]=&button=&check_in=05%2f13%2f2015&check_out=05%2f14%2f2015&destination=baltimore&lucky=true&m=127&page=1&property_name=&rinfo=[[18]]&sort_order=position&total_nights=&utf8=%e2%9c%93

i copied , pasted url browser , worked fine. clear data want available straightforward request. maybe authors of api can give access raw information not have write scraper script :-)
