c# - Check if there is an App present which responds to a given URI -

on windowsphone can launch applications using uri associations. understand , implemented launching of app using:

windows.system.launcher.launchuriasync(new system.uri("<custom-uri-scheme>:<path>")); 

but before tell launcher start other app check if app installed.

is possible check if there app present responds given uri? looking similar ios's [[uiapplication sharedapplication] canopenurl:<url>]

windows 8.x
no, windows phone os 8.0/8.1 doesn't allow 1 check if third party app installed on device or not. though can check if user has installed other app of yours, if publisher id same 2.

1: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13617515/546896

2: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15871975/546896

windows 10
on windows phone 10 possible use launcher.queryurisupportasync
